The quality of a teacher is essential and this workshop proved it. Joining us for the first time with his own innovation and twists, Teacher Nat Niu was a joy to have and with return volunteer and Renaissance man James Teng, created a magical paper workshop.
Despite myself pushing for creation and seeing out of the box I completely missed the potential in this one. I have forgotten how fantastic paper with the imagination of children can be. Children first got to know their volunteer counterparts and vice versa; then created wondrous masks and introduced each other to the group.
- Making masks
Teacher James took the second leg of the workshop in the creation of the “Mini Me”s, after an introspection of the self into creations of movable part paper dolls. These dolls provided a way for children to see themselves and fully realize this in the paper works of art. Only by first understanding and loving oneself can you then learn how to love others. Being able to express this love in speaking in front and to others is just as important.
- Creations of Mini Mes
- Mini Me workshop with the cutest Atayal kids!
- Photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦
Our first in the “Mini Me” series was one of the most colorful workshops to date. Molded by the passion of teachers and volunteers, the patience and love from the children, everything keeps getting better. We had a large influx of new volunteers and delicious food, mainly due to SALADAY’s warmth in joining our neighborhood. We are definitely headed in the right direction!
- Beautiful fresh fruit popsicles we created!
- Our “junk food” are fresh fruit popsicles we made
- Cooking
課程目的: ”迷你我”工作坊是一系列帶領小朋友探尋內在自我的課程,孩子們將透過藝術創作的形式逐漸挖掘、認識內心中那個純粹完整的’自己’。 讓每個小朋友都能認識自己,尊重自己,表達自己,同時能尊重身邊的每一個人。
小朋友的學習重點: 1. 透過不同觀點重新認識自己並能有創意地表達自我。
2. 紙作技藝與創意呈現方法。
Purpose: The “Mini Me” is a series of empowerment courses that commands an introspection of knowing oneself first, and thus, how to interact with others. Through innovative, creative forms and guidance of volunteers children will learn valuable tools to tap their “inner child” and express themselves.
Children Will Learn: Utilize different outlook to learn about themselves and express themselves creatively. Paper art, creative presentation exhibition skills.
Volunteer Tasks: Work with the children to learn more about them and assist them on artistic creations of their Mini Me. Also learn more about yourself Guide the children on tasks setup, clean up.
Date/Time 日期 / 時間:
September 28th (Saturday) 11:00 am – 4:30 pm (Volunteers 10:00 am arrivals)
九月28日(六)上午11:00 - 下午 4:30 (志工10:00到)
Location: Taoshan Youth Cultural Center in ChingChuan, Hsinchu
地點: 新竹縣五峰鄉桃山村 桃山 活動中心
老師 Lead Teachers: 牛俊強 Niu Chun Chiang, James Teng
Photographers: Jonathan Burke, James Teng, 鄭又綺, 蘇嘉琦
Helping Hands: Angela Lin, 鄭又綺, 袁筱晴, 蘇嘉琦, 姜重伊, 施慶沂,李培榕, 張鶴耀, 朱君偉,楊智傑, 郭先楷
Kitchen Table Lunch: We were so blessed to have SALADAY and their volunteer team at our Kitchen Table to support us!
中餐 Lunch Menu:
夏日蘋果沙拉 Apple Summer Salad
綠咖哩奶油筆尖麵 Creamy Green Curry Penne Pasta
花香醬義式炒食蔬 Italian Stir Fried Vegetables
義大利番茄蔬菜湯 Italian Tomato Soup
綠豆冰棒 Green Bean Popsicles
水果冰棒 Whole Fruit Popsicles