這絕對是我為小朋友與大朋友舉辦過的課程中,最喜歡的課程之一。我們探討了墨裔美國人的墨西哥五月節(Cinco de Mayo)。首先,我們了解它的起源,了解為什麼它雖然被信奉為墨西哥的節日,但是在美國慶祝的規模卻比較大。
This had to be one of my favorite workshops we’ve had for both kids and our big friends. We took at look at the Mexican-American holiday of Cinco de Mayo (5th of May), first understanding the origins and reasons by although believed as a Mexican holiday, why it was celebrated on a much larger scale in America.
課程一開始,我們以一個簡短的介紹,透過與孩子互動並且讓孩子以發問的方式參與,了解文化以及諷刺漫畫的意義。我們更加了解資本主義的起源,以及它如何在美國以其成功扮演關鍵的角色。我們也討論了當天要製作的其他東西的起源與演進—墨西哥捲 (Burritos) 和紙紮的比娘大(Piñata)。有趣的是,我們還學到比娘大 (Piñata) 很可能是源自於中國喔!
Starting with a small presentation and through interacting and engaging kids with questions about culture and the meaning of caricatures. We achieved better understanding of the origins and how capitalism played a key role in its success in the USA. We also discussed the origins and the evolution of some of the other items we were going to create that day – burritos and piñatas. It was interesting, as we all learned the origins of the piñata may have been from China!
小朋友們光是猜測酪梨的顏色就開心得不得了,而且還親手為美味的墨西哥捲製作酪梨莎莎醬。大朋友和小朋友非常有耐心的動手剪裁與糊製紙張,製作比娘大 (Piñata),並且在上面彩繪。當小朋友以棒球棍將比娘大 (Piñata)打破時,每個人都能夠吃到純素的點心。特別感謝 Paula Perry 以及 Sara Chien協助帶領課程!
Kids had a fantastic time guessing the colors of the avocado and creating guacamole for delicious burritos. The piñatas was a step by step process but kids and our Big Friends showed extraordinary patience to snip and carefully glue the paper and decorations on it. Vegan treats were to be had by all when kids had a chance to hit the piñata with the baseball bat. Thank you especially to Paula Perry and Sara Chien for helping with their part in leading this workshop!
老師 Teacher: Paula Perry
攝影師 Photographer: JiaChi Su Jonathan Burke
大朋友 Big Friends: Sara Chien, Poppa Baer, Angela Lin, Rippling Tsou, Tana Erdene
贊助者 Sponsors:
Kelly Lin, Jet Sunny 捷式股份有限公司 ,Tina Chen, A Well Fed World, Anonymous Marathoner, RVenus Lai, Anonymous (B), Ann Lin, 蘭嶼漂流木餐廳, 曜欐姐
感謝 Thank You:
丁神父 Father Barry Martinson, 桃山國小 蘇美娟, 林育宏,哈那,馮益峰/Dean Ferng, Kaye Yuan, Haichen Hsu
更多照片 All photos:
更多 More: https://wp.me/p6AHdc-1Lr 及 https://www.facebook.com/events/858748634237565/
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