This is Bright Side Project’s first trip to venture into southeastern Taiwan, thanks to an invitation extended by Lan An Cultural and Educational Foundation and supporters of our annual year end events via Jia-Xin’s Toys for Taiwan. In addition to community involvement in workshops with children, Maraos requested us to construct a Christmas Tree. We were excited and eager, looking to involve the community and utilize recycled materials in our endeavor. (ENGLISH BELOW)
為了能充份為這項大型任務做好準備,在啟程前的數週間,我們召開了無數次的工作會議。聖誕樹裝置由荷蘭安荷芬設計學院畢業的James Teng滕孟哲及Peter Hsieh謝叢憶負責設計。在設計發想過程中,我們發現了創辦「文人之島,環保之道」並長期為推動島上回收工作及提昇島民環保意識而努力的阿文,也因此決定用島上的回收保特瓶做為此次創作的主要材料。
James和Peter在接下來的數週間為了擬定裝置的設計草案及搭設計畫製作了大量的設計模型,以及實驗了各種接合的方法。一抵達島上,我們便直奔阿文的回收廠,實地了解阿文的回收工作現況,並從回收廠帶回大量回收垃圾,再一一進行清洗分類的工作。最初兩天,我們不停反複進行清洗、分類、打洞以及綑綁保特瓶的動作,同時從海邊挖取海沙灌進保特瓶中為聖誕樹的根及中心樹幹製作基礎結構元件。照著James及Peter的設計計畫,成員們分工合作,每天從早上七點一直工作到午夜,有時也冒著風雨在室外工作。工作間短暫的休息時間中,多才多藝的攝影師Shang Han Chien及Ken Wang也為大家烹煮了美味的蔬食料理
小雪在忙碌的行程中,也抽出時間帶領當地的小小孩探索神奇的藝術世界。小小孩們在小雪老師的引導下,使用無毒顏料在大面的圓型回收紙張上自由揮灑出一片無比繽紛的混沌! 唯一遺憾沒能有更多的時間與資源和這裡的孩子們一同創作更多的美麗。最後我們為孩子們舉辦了一場充滿想像力的一日工作坊,活動由Peter和James設計規劃,同時結合了聖誕樹裝置的揭幕活動。延續保特瓶回收創作的主題,我們以保特瓶為每一個參加的孩子製作一只小怪物手錶,手錶中出現的動物成為孩子們創作混種小怪物面具的靈感素材。除了Shang Han為孩子們煮調的美味特製蔬食咖哩餐,每個孩子也都自行動手製作好吃營養的花生地瓜巧克力杯。經過一整天的創作活動之後,我們每個人都戴上自己製作的小怪物面具,在黃昏中為聖誕樹掛上自製的聖誕裝飾。
聖誕樹裝置: James Teng, Peter Hsieh
靜態攝影師: Ken Wang
影片攝影及剪輯: Shang Han Chien
小雪人工作坊: Snow Tsao
面具工作坊: Peter Hsieh
團隊成員: Rhea Chou, Rufen Cheng
Jia-Xin和她的贊助者們, Jet Sunny,瑪拉歐斯,鍾月英,Ocean,阿文,Leo Tsai, Tobie Openshaw, Jon Burke, 蔡昆璋, 及每一個曾經直接或間接幫助我們的人。
In the weeks leading up to our trip countless meetings took place so we would be prepared for this massive undertaking. James Teng 滕孟哲 and Peter Hsieh 謝叢憶, both graduates from the Design Academy Eindhoven headed the design. The decision to utilize recycled plastic bottles was after the team had viewed the tireless work of 阿文 from 文人之島,環保之道 who has been pushing for awareness on environmentalism and recycling.
James and Peter tried a variety of methods and binding methods over the course of the next several weeks to construct a miniature model for the blueprint that could be executed when we arrive on the island. Upon arrival we headed to A-wen’s recycling yard and also gathered trash which we cleaned each bottle. . The first few days were spent sorting, cleaning, punching holes, and tying the plastic bottles so it would be stable to serve as the base of the tree. Rocks had to be shoveled at the beach and poured into the bottles. With James and Peter’s design set out for the tree, everyone multi-tasked work starting early mornings from 7 am until midnight most days at times braving the wind and rain. There was little time for anything else except quick plant-based meals in-between cooked by our multi-talented photographer Ken Wang and videographer Shang Han Chien.
Patterns were explored but proved to not be viable with the additional weight it would bring onto the tree in addition to the high winds of Orchid Island. In the end bottles attached in different lengths or cut into spirals served to mimic the dress of the tree.
Over thousands of pieces of trash were shifted through with 800 bottles utilized. Miniature windmills that self generated light, Christmas ornaments created by the local children during a workshop, and an recycled string of LED light that magnified through the bottles served as the decor. The community was invited to partake in all the steps and we wanted to make the design as accessible as possible so that everyone knows that this is something that can be done.
Snow took time out of the busy schedule to take some of the younger children into a wonderful world of creation with art. With non-toxic paint, and a long roll of recycled paper, the kids were given free reign to create – and it got incredibly beautifully messy! We only wish we had more time and resources to be able to do more with the children here.
Our final workshop was set to coincide with the unveiling of the Christmas Tree. This was an incredibly imaginative workshop curated by James Teng and Peter Hsieh. It continued the theme of utilizing recycled plastic bottles that were sorted – these were constructed into invitation ‘watches’ for each child and served as the raw materials for hybrid masks. A delicious plant-based curry meal was made thanks to Shang Han and each kid also made peanut butter and sweet potato chocolate cups to take home. After an incredible day starting from morning of sketching and making their masks, we took all this outside to enjoy plant-based smores in front of the tree at dusk.
With four elementary schools on Orchid Island we had an overwhelming number of children sign up and also adults who wanted to get involved. To maintain the quality of our workshop we had to turn them away but promised to be back later in 2016. We hope that you can support us on this and spread the generosity of Jia-Xin and everyone in who wants to get involved all year round!
Jia-Xin’s Winter Solstice (佳欣的冬日慶典) is an annual year-end series of activities run by Bright Side Projects that involve communities throughout Taiwan. This year we are so ecstatic to have been able to include both Orchid Island and Taitung on our 2 month long itinerary along with ChingChuan, Taoyuan, and Taipei.
Christmas Tree: James Teng, Peter Hsieh
Photographer: Ken Wang
Videographer: Shang Han Chien
Workshop: Snow Tsao
Mask workshop: Peter Hsieh
Team members: Rhea Chou, Rufen Cheng
Thank you everyone who supported us in the process!
Jia-Xin and her sponsors, Jet Sunny, 瑪拉歐斯,鍾月英,Ocean,阿文 A Wen,Leo Tsai, Tobie Openshaw, Jon Burke, 蔡昆璋, and so many others!