嚮光歲末禮物製作工作坊最終場來到萬華,大家還記得去年九月份在萬華的活動嗎?嚮光帶領孩子透過攝影認識 Mary’s Doggies(瑪莉愛狗協會) 可愛的毛小孩。這次,我們與孩子一同製作美味的狗餅乾送給 Mary 的狗狗們,幫助牠們補充能量,完成訓練並且找到永遠的家~
►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/67dbzM
►回顧狗狗攝影活動 Images and post report from Mary’s Doggies workshop: https://reurl.cc/My0WDp
首先,我們與孩子們一起製作豐盛 #純植 的午餐與飯後甜點:青醬義大利麵、肉排法國麵包、水果沙拉和香蕉麵包。
感謝今日積極參與活動的萬華孩子們,與台灣社區實踐協會 充滿愛心與熱情的社工們,以及慷慨贊助這系列活動的您們。您們的愛與支持,是嚮光持續努力的動力!

We are ending our Bright Side Projects year at Wanhua, one of our favorite communities not only because of the kids but the loving and supportive social workers in the Taiwan Community Practice Association ( 台灣社區實踐協會 )
It was only in early fall we were able to pair up the kids with puppies from Mary’s Doggies, the kids helping puppies overcome their anxiety around people so they could find their furever homes; and the puppies played their role in helping kids overcome their fear of dogs and understand the plight of stray animals in Taiwan. A definite win win!
Kids were so excited to now be able to help out doggies in another way – baking delicious pumpkin and peanut butter cookies for them, this taking place after they made lunch and afternoon cake for themselves.
The cookies were as cute as could possibly be, with poodles, german shepherds, frenchies, corgies, and mixed breeds making their appearance in the dough. The three batches were baked to perfection and kids wanted to join in distributing the cookies to our doggy friends – we will update you if this occurs! It’s quite unimaginable that before the workshops, these were the same children that were so scared of dogs that they almost refused to enter the doggy park.

老師 Teacher::Grace Chang
大朋友 Big Friends::Grace Chang | Tiffany Chang | Daisy Lin | 林雅鈞 | 陳妍汝
攝影師 Photographer: Daisy Lin
特別感謝:台灣社區實踐協會 | Tara (狗狗餅乾模型) | Ooh Cha Cha (新鮮九層塔)
贊助者:財團法人台灣省私立統一企業社會福利慈善事業基金會 | Global Giving Donors | Lot Consulting Partners | Botega | Cantina | Nice Cream | La Locanda | Vinology | The Rosenbergs | Sharon Curtis Ramsay | Paul Tenk | Marla Rosenberg | Kaliah Ames | Rosa Dejoy | Cassie Holden |子瑀王 | 林佳醇 | 宋維君 | 簡珮如 | 張建智 | 鍾** | 潘*嘉 | 琬喬陳 | 張詩詩 | 崇安朱 | 永珍朱 | Yingting Chen | Nicolas Lin | Ting YiWU | 鄭琪 | 張毓玶 | 黃竫玟 | 鄭琪 | 梁*琴 | 蔡淑雯 | 鄭*婷 | Stacey Chang | 阿琪 | 張嘉倩 | GaoShih Syuan | PengYun wen | 玟伶賴 | 偉** | 侯惠 | ShihShi weei | 陌生人 | Fanny Chen | 函** | Maggie Lee | 黃柏涵 | 呂孟樺 | 麗雯蔡 | 柯柯 | 小可 | 朱妙清 | 黃珮瑜 | 謝依妍 | 政家楊 | 瑀菲陳 | 施小姐 | 李子瑛 | 珍瑩蘇T************g | 介翰黃 | 啟剛孫 | 陌生人 | Mandy Chen | 鄞綸王 | 呂柏璋 | 翔聖黃 | 黃侑涵 | 鏡** | A****u | CYC | P***********G | 林隆圭 | 羅舒怡 | 學正黃 | 張育菱 | Sandy | Party | Lilian | 史| 洪先生 | 葉*蘭 | 潘志明 | C******g | 黃明珠 | 邱小姐 | 劉品妡 | 林*舜 | 陳幸葳 | 李麗芳 | 黃淑貞 | 游*勳 | Jen | 李*霖 | K******i | W*****o | 李** | 李威政 | 李昶宇 | 匿名 | Chang Chia Fang | 廖國豪 | 石勝行 | 黃*俊 | Brian | 林奕翔 | 莊*蓉 | 祝你快樂 | 許淳喻 | 廖*捷 | 杜泓頡 | Sheepherder | WUHSIAO YI | 陳*琦 | 陳俊豪 | 江如穎 | 許*宜 | 方婉君 | 李湖龍 | 蘇廷倢 | 江依宸 | 無名氏 | 郭*均 | 王*洲 | 李治城 | 王恩琪 | Weichen Kung | 張凱惟 | 陳*廷 | 王*琴
定期定額:Andy Hsia | Anon | CHENFAN | HSIA YI WEI | Jack 尤 | Joanne | Jou | Kevin | Kimi & J | Peace Be Upon You | Scott Hsu | YuRi’s蔬食日嚐 | 王*宇 | 王清金 | 王琪 | 江炳彰 | 何*澤 | 吳*葦 | 吳一帆 | 呂靜佩 | 希塔療癒Sofina | 李承龍 | 李政翰 | 林小風 | 林孝旭 | 林明瑾 | 林靜怡 | 施姵甫 | 柯*慧 | 范宇璇 | 孫婉菱 | 張*君 | 張*慈 | 張加油 | 張芷翎 | 張璲麟 | 探索天下有限公司 | 梁秀珊 | 梁朝陽 | 莊仁生 | 許海晨 | 郭明進 | 陳*佳 | 陳冠如 | 陳姿辰 | 陳建樺 | 陳柏霖 | 陳修平 | 陳惠榮 | 陳臻怡 | 陳耀祺 | 凱羚林 | 黃宣庭 | 黃靖媁 | 楊*慧 | 葉盈蘭 | 劉依融 | 蔡孟潔 | 鄭鉑翰 | 蕭靜儀 | 賴曉沛 | 鍾*祝 | 簡明萱 | 藍*芬 | 覺心文化有限公司 | 鐘士凱