今年夏天,嚮光很榮幸受邀前往美麗的烏來,與忠治教會的孩子們一起度過三天的夏令營!感謝 Cindy Chao 的社團法人4月12慈善協會贊助這個活動,您的慷慨讓我們提供將近 200 份的餐點,孩子與志工大朋友們皆獲得難忘的夏日回憶!
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決定課程之初,我們浮現:「今年夏天為何不帶孩子們去旅行?」而充滿美食的旅程,絕對是雙贏的!我們透過自己動手做美食來接觸不同文化,也實踐嚮光 #作伙呷菜 的理念,他們在活動中製作的食物,足以提供給 60 位以上的孩子和 25 位大朋友志工,培力孩子不僅是給予知識,「行動」也是不可或缺的,讓他們學習服務他人;藉由刺激感官的體驗,讓學習的記憶更為深刻。
第一站 #義大利
他們也幫忙準備午餐,一起製作英式鬆餅披薩和番茄醬意大利麵 ,以及嚮光的招牌料理 – 時令水果沙拉配椰奶,再次證明這道水果沙拉也深得這群新孩子的心。
除了烹飪課,孩子也學習到建築知識、義大利語和手勢,當他們說要帶愛心形狀的披薩分享給家人時,我們覺得好溫暖 ~
第二站 #日本
伴隨著《哆啦A夢》的主題曲開啟序幕,孩子們很快地猜到接下來要去的國家。 我們喜歡讓孩子們透過遊戲促進思考,而不是直接告訴他們要做什麼。
活動當天的老師 Jodie 剛好擁有一半的日本血統,她和我們分享了日本習俗,一起製作水果大福和壽司,還有體驗最受歡迎的活動 – 流水麵。孩子們分成小組進行競賽,看誰能用筷子夾到最多的麵條。 為了增加樂趣,鍛煉他們的靈活性,不只有麵線,葡萄也順著竹子流下來, 孩子的笑聲流露著內心的快樂,是我們最喜歡看到的畫面。
第三站 #法國
嚮食文化之旅最後一趟的旅程,我們到法國品嚐可麗餅,對孩子來說,精緻的法式薄餅是相當棘手的任務, 但他們勇於迎接挑戰。
Bright Side Projects was honored to be invited to the gorgeous mountains of Wulai this past summer for a three day camp with the children of Zhongzi Church. Believing that all youth of various ages and backgrounds should have access to a safe space to learn alongside caring adults, and also access to a nutritious plant-based meal, we were honored for this opportunity and extremely grateful that this experience at the church was sponsored on entirely by Cindy Chao’s 社團法人4月12協會. Close to 200 meals were provided with meals because of their generous donation.
In deciding the course, we asked ourselves first the question – why not take the children on a trip this summer? Although this would be our first time to meet the children, we knew that trips with plenty of delicious foods is always a win win situation. These three days we introduced our Culture through Cuisine curriculum where children learned about different cultures through the creation of cuisine. They not only made food for all the volunteers and themselves, but as per our “Kids in the Kitchen” program, they made enough food to serve over 60 children and 25 Big Friend volunteers each day of the workshop. Empowering children not only through knowledge but also actual creation and being able to serve others is an accomplishment and feat at any age. Having these hands on experiences stimulating various senses; tasting, smelling, hearing, seeing, and touching, aids in making learning memorable.
Our first day we provided special “passports” made from upcycled paper for the children and through the course of the day, took their photos so they could have these in their personalized passports. Each day as they “traveled” and “ate” through the countries over the next three days. After “visiting” and making cuisine from, Italy, Japan, and France, they were able to add stamps from these locations to their pages.
Italy was our first stop and making pizza was our first order of business; for Bright Side Projects of course, this means making pizza from scratch! From the measuring of flour and waiting for the dough to rise, kids were enthusiastic about making something they had often seen, sometimes eaten, but never made.
It was a chance to show kids even through the simple act of them choosing a non-circular shape even selecting their own toppings, that these are choices that they can make. From dough making to washing, cutting, chopping, and cooking of all ingredients were tasks that the children undertook in their groups. Working in perfect harmony and learning team work and communication was essential so that the pizzas, which they would take home for dinner, could be made.
For lunch, the kids assisted in making English muffin pizzas and cutting up veggies for the tomato sauce pasta. As per custom, Bright Side’s seasonal fruit salad with coconut milk made it to the lunch table and yet again proved to be one of the most popular dishes with this new group of kids.
A bit of architecture and some Italian lingo and hand motions were included into the kid’s learning experience and the first day was a huge success. Our hearts warmed when some of the children told us that their heart shaped pizzas would be taken home to be shared with their families.
Kids were eager to return for the next day and see which country they would be heading to!
With the backdrop of Doraemon’s theme song, the second day had children easily guessing the country we were visiting next. We love giving kids the opportunity to guess through games that gets them thinking and guessing instead of simply telling them what they will be doing. Having youth involved in the process of education in itself is a form of empowerment.
Today was sushi day and both kids and our Big Friend volunteers learned how to roll a sushi for the first time. Fresh ingredients were laid out and each child was responsible for rolls that they would eat themselves and to be made for younger children. Although we had planned to be have to make around 30 rolls ourselves prior to lunch, sushi making was so easily picked up by our kids that they wanted to go ahead and make these delicious rolls.
On our last journey we headed back to Europe to sample both savory and sweet crepes. Today we split into stations to make the crepes, a pretty tricky task for anyone who knows how delicate they are! But we definitely love the challenge and love passing this onto kids – we know they can do it!
We provided plant-based whip cream in it’s liquid form, most often “whipped” with an electric hand mixer. Of course, we love giving kids an extra challenge and anything for them to exert more energy so had them whip this with forks by hand only. With successful whip cream, the sweet crepes stuffed with fresh fruit was loved by all! Thank you all for an amazing trip around the world!
贊助者: Cindy Chao | 社團法人4月12慈善協會
老師: 何潤芳 JODIE HO
攝影師:Daisy Lin
大朋友志工: 田雅頻 | 何丞竣 | 林冠丞 | 李仁豪 | 林育岑 | 張婷雯 | 簡秀芳 Sara | 丁維郁 | 劉薇姿 | 李婉禎 | 林熙倩
特別感謝: Paula Perry, Sayun, Tony Coolidge, 忠治教會, Ooh Cha Cha