
“This is the first time we’ve prepared and cooked our own lunch” – this line coming from the kids after having been at MuHsiang for close to seven years surprised us. English below!



每個孩子都專注在自己分配到的部分,大家一起合力完成今天的午餐。在Paula’s Brownies and Pinatas的帶領下,我們分組做了綠色的椰子糖霜杯子蛋糕、愛爾蘭青醬烤馬鈴薯、腰果泥通心粉和用鳳梨「金塊」點綴的綠色水果盤。

在我們的「曠世巨作們」還在烤箱準備的同時,孩子們認真地學了有關聖派翠克節的歷史,在哪國家有慶祝、是怎麼慶祝的、為什麼要這樣慶祝。然後,本著聖派翠克節幸運黃金的精神,孩子們使用每天會用到的餐具,比賽將100個一元硬幣們一次一次從豆腐盒做的環保寶箱中傳送到每組的小碗。從分組製作餐點到分組玩闖關遊戲,孩子們都能夠體驗到團隊合作。 活動進入尾聲,最後等著他們的是尋找幸運草的遊戲。循著線索,找到最多片葉子的那組就是今天最幸運的大贏家。


老師 Teacher:Paula Perry | Jessica Yang
攝影師 Photographer: 鄭又綺
大朋友 Big Friends:Yu An Ma | Sarah Perry | Marco Grishaber
廚師 Chef:睦祥育幼院孩子們

攝影師 Photo特別感謝 Special Thanks: 桃園睦祥育幼院 | 劉緣玉 | 小白 | Paula’s Brownies and Pinatas

大朋友 Big Friends:Yu An Ma | Sarah Perry | Marco Grishaber

贊助者 Sponsors:
陳杰妤 | Ishi Lin | Angela Lin | Sarah Milne | Yueh-Chin Ho | 捷式股份有限公司 | 筵恩課後照顧服務中心 | 賴曉沛 | 蘇建丞 | 鍾采蓁 | Jed Chen | Kelly Lin | 雨華浮雲 | Julie Shih | 陳金陵| 楊淨雯 | 葉盈蘭 | Ishi Lin | Angela Lin | 王耀漢 | Josephine Cheng | 陳韻如 | MJGPublishing OU | 李靖棠 | 無名60967 玉山 | 楊涵淇 | 王淑貞

特別感謝 Special Thanks: 桃園睦祥育幼院 | 劉緣玉 | 小白 | Paula’s Brownies and Pinatas
贊助者 Sponsors:
陳杰妤 | Ishi Lin | Angela Lin | Sarah Milne | Yueh-Chin Ho | 捷式股份有限公司 | 筵恩課後照顧服務中心 | 賴曉沛 | 蘇建丞 | 鍾采蓁 | Jed Chen | Kelly Lin | 雨華浮雲 | Julie Shih | 陳金陵| 楊淨雯 | 葉盈蘭 | Ishi Lin | Angela Lin | 王耀漢 | Josephine Cheng | 陳韻如 | MJGPublishing OU | 李靖棠 | 無名60967 玉山 | 楊涵淇 | 王淑貞

“This is the first time we’ve prepared and cooked our own lunch” – this line coming from the kids after having been at MuHsiang for close to seven years surprised us. We realized that although we had made food with kids it was always just a small supplement; from cupcakes, gingerbread cookies, pizzas, some sushi; but never once did we let children actually take control of an entire meal including the main course to the dessert.

With their weekend schedules always packed, it was also amazing that no other group that visited them never empowered the kids to cook their own meal. Food is an essential; being able to actually prepare food prepares us for independence and our future.

For us, returning to MuHsiang has been like coming home more than anything especially this being our seventh year. Today we designed a St. Patrick’s cultural cuisine class so kids could make a very green and mouth watering plant-based feast. There were a lot of concerns on safety and the rundown but we were confident the kids could pull it off. We trust them.

Everyone participated in scooping, cutting, cleaning, and being responsible for their team’s meal that was part of our lunch.

We split into groups with Paula’s Brownies and Pinatas taking lead  on the “know hows” to create green hued cupcakes with coconut whip cream, twiced baked “irish” potatoes with pesto mash, cashew based creamy mac and cheese, and a pot of green fruit salad with pineapple “gold nuggets.”

While our masterpieces baked, we introduced the history behind the holiday and how it was celebrated in different countries as well as why. In the spirit of the lucky gold of St. Patricks, we had 100 coins per group they had to transfer from our upcycled homemade “treasure” (tofu) chests using everyday utensils; based on who answered the right questions from the presentation. They worked in teams from making the meals to playing the games. The rest of the day turned into scenes from the Amazing Race as a shamrock scavenger hunt bundled with clues to solve awaited them.

The kids had so much fun and the physical activity helped them work up their appetite. In our post workshop surveys while some wavered on their confidence levels, all indicated that they would love to join our workshops again, indicating they learned not only how to cook but how to work in teams. Thank you everyone who supported the kids today! Having trust in kids and believing they can achieve, giving them the platform to do so, makes a change in the world!