
We never imagined a trip to the southeastern city of Taitung four years ago when we first met the kids of ShinMaLan, that these same faces would still be welcoming us three years later. English below!





我們的物資和禮物麋鹿宅急便是和學校以及社區一同攜手,將這些物品親自交到我們選出的家庭手中。今年我們和水花園有機農夫市集的主辦單位合作 (黃俊誠及NON),提供新鮮有機的農產品給這些家庭。非常感謝慷慨的農夫們,尤其是捐贈南瓜的亞太有機農場以及捐贈 純澳洲茶樹純的雅芯香草園。無農藥有機米是在栽種於鄰近花蓮的海岸邊,以支持阿美族的農夫們 (石梯坪水梯田復育計畫)。也感謝????騰農園,風動萰草休閒農園的有機菜!孩子們給了我們一張清單,裡面列舉出他們需要或者是想要的東西,而我們盡了我們最大的力量來達成他們的願望。



謝謝 Mark Zhang以及Marco提供我們一些超棒的背包,讓我們送給孩子們!


聖誕佳欣的小矮人幫手們:小玲,吳志隆,Daisy Lin以及家長們!

捷式股份有限公司 Jet Sunny 10,000 | 台中福華大飯 Taichung Howard Plaza Hotel 25,000 | 傢式國際股份有限公司 MOODIWOOD 25,000 | 姚X瓊 100 | Plants 10,000 | Ishi Lin 500 | 陳X妤 (hidden amount| | 霧件有限公司 3,000 | Angela Lin  500 | Anonymous R 1,200 | 鄭X芬、梁X勛 1,200 | Norman MacDonald 50 USD = 1,450 NTD | Rhonda Gilby 100 USD = 2,900 NTD | 萬安生命 30,000 | 霧件有限公司 3,000 | Yuting Hung (secret amount) |Tina Chen 10,000 | Austin Lin 100 USD = 2,900 NTD | Ooh Cha Cha 3,964 | Jed Chen 500 | 姚X瓊 100 | Anonymous 125 USD = 3,625 NTD | Marla Rosenberg 100 USD = 2,900 NTD | Steve Rosenberg 50 USD = 1,450 NTD | Darlene Pauz 50 USD = 1,450 NTD | Ruthe Holmen Baez 20 USD = 580 NTD | Anonymous 20 USD = 580 NTD | Guylaine Pauze Furness 25 USD = 725 NTD | Sharon & Bruce 75 USD = 2,175 NTF | Oliver Green 35 USD = 1,015 NTD | Sam Green 35 USD = 1,015 NTD | Roawn Green 35 USD = 1,015 NTD | Jonathan and Gemma Green 100 USD = 2,900 NT

One of our special elves for Santa Jia-Xin’s Gift and Necessities Delivery today was 吳志隆, one of our youth from 清泉. We first met 志隆 in 2012 before he was even a teenager. The past year 吳志隆 has been amazing in assisting us when we needed, even selecting some of the jackets and backpacks that kids would like but we would have probably never picked out. Last year we had 志隆 list out what he wanted to learn and/or achieve in the coming year – learning how to take public transport was one of them. We were more than happy for him to help us out and took a flight back to Taipei so he could learn and experience taking an airplane for the first time!

We also had some surprise help from the parents.  When we come to Taitung for our day camps and cook plant-based meal for or with the kids, sometimes we see their parents at the community center. Upon our arrival to ShinMaLan, we were shocked to see them geared by and ready to deliver the necessities with us –  we simply supplied them with a few Santa hats and we were off. We love having their support and also yours!

Thank you Jia-Xin and all of our sponsors for being that spark igniting us to do more and spread warm every year. We fell short of the amount we hoped to raise this year but know that 2019 will be a new beginning and we will work harder to do more.  

For our necessities and gifts Reindeer Delivery we worked with the school and community to gift select families. This year we worked with the organizers (黃俊誠,NON)of 水花園有機農夫市集 to provide fresh organic local produce to the families. Thank you to the farmers for their generosity, especially亞太有機農場who donated 6 crates of pumpkins and雅芯香草園 who donated 10 bottles of exclusive organic tea tree oil spray. Thanks also to ????騰農園,風動萰草休閒農園 for their products!  

Pesticide-free rice was harvest oceanside in nearby Hualien through a project that supports indigenous Amis farmers. Kids provided a wishlist of things that they needed or wanted and we did our best to fulfill them.

Thank you always to Taoshan Elementary School and Teacher Lin who is to us what we are to the kids – a Big Friend, a trustworthy support that always encourages us. Our year round activities would not be possible without his support.

Thank you Laling Yumin 喇藺猶命 for his love of the community and his unwavering beliefs through the years as we look forward to collaborating closer together in 2019 and beyond.

Thank you TaDe Car Company for providing us with handcut noodles that support local small businesses in Yunlin (and also providing our donated car with repair services).

Thank you to Mark Zhang and Marco for also providing us with some wonderful backpacks for the kids!

Being present in itself is the gift that we hope to provide all year long to the youth. Thank you for your love and here’s to 2019! If you have not yet supported the children and want to, please contact us now!

Santa Jia-Xin’s Elves:  林育宏, Jessica Yang, April Lala, Daisy Lin