

We’ve had some amazing and new courses in 2018; with this one after some fine-tuning, will be a Bright Side classic for years to come!

We paired special FX makeup and the scenes behind some of the top horror movies to touch up on the social issue of media effects and fake news. Are horror movies real? Is the violence depicted real? How about gender roles? Should we believe everything on television and on social media or should we question it? English below







老師 Teacher:秦孟廷
攝影師Photographer:Jed Chen, Jessica Yang
廚師Chef:Paula’s Brownies & Piñatas

大朋友Big Friends:楊筑安,Sara Chien,Sarah Perry, Paula Perry, 黃子凡,Alanna Chang,Angela Chang,白文珍,王秀雄, 楊精偉, 林毓如, 王天懋, 李婉艾, 王一如, Daisy Lin, 李仁豪

課程贊助萬安生命 wonann life+

Kids came up individually and we had each one act out the type of monster shown to them for others to guess. Once we got to our inspiration of the day, the classic “The Exorcist,” our special FX makeup artist came up to bat. Teacher Mindy really came through and showed the kids the difference between what was fake and real, everyone having a blast adding on more blood and gore to themselves. Kids and Big Friends painted each other and themselves, plus had to come up with a horrific movement for their mini-horror boomerang video shot.

This was with one of our most dedicated plant-based holiday themed meals of all time; again, thanks to Paula’s Brownies and Pinata for being our premier vegan chef with a can do attitude! Spooky worm pasta, eyeball punch, jack-o-lantern cursed soup, skull brownies and cakes were covered under thin veil of dry ice that effectively added to the haunted scene.  

Kids who were scared of horror movies afterwards being “gored” themselves said that they now know not everything is real – and also to be wary of fake news. Thank you to Wan An Funeral Services for appropriately sponsoring this session, teaching about life and death to set the tone for the workshop. All images can be viewed on Facebook.