台東新馬蘭部落-爵士樂與diy手作樂器工作坊是我們年底佳欣世界音樂饗宴的第一場活動,特別邀請到獨立樂團Face On的當家鼓手Noah來跟孩子介紹爵士鼓與爵士音樂!

We were able to invite Face On band’s drummer Noah to start off our Santa Jia-Xin World Music Jam in Taitung this winter season! The origins of jazz, African American history, and racism were explored in this full day edu-course! English below.

更多照片 More images: https://goo.gl/pxTjte




老師 Teacher:陳智彥
攝影師 Photographer:蕭賀韶,李仁豪
大朋友 Big Friends:鄭如棻,周純卉,Xiayi Su,黃安 ,李姿辰,葉珈㚬,傅行正,邱鈺涵,柯孟君
廚師Chef:Carl Nyman, Daisy Lin

Yuting Hung​ | MOODI WOOD 傢櫥​ Carol Wu​ | Jet Sunny 捷式股份有限公 Jimmy Sun​ | Plants​ 植宿餐飲股份有 | 魚鋪鋪日本代購 | Lulu Chandler​ | 宋偉萍 | 譚羽湘 | 林晅瑄 | 宋端端 | 鐘少庭 | 鄭英美 | 馬緯中 | 嘉樂思國際商行 | 蕭賀韶 / 友善態度自然農園 | Rita Yeh 葉映汝 | 黃意雯 | 陳慶霖 | 劉云白 | 謝淑芬 | 呂俊彥 | 黃俊誌 | 陳哲勝 | 廖怡寧 | 邱俊源 | 王義鈞 | 沈梅宜 | 吳夢承 | 詹瑋瑋 | 陳方健 | 黃慈瑩 | 林佩怡 | Richard Jack/ Sarah Milne​ | Cory Lewandowski​ | Tracie Rosenberg​ and Jeremy Rosenberg​ | Jill & Jordan Olivier | Terry & Guylaine Furness | Stacey Beckett | Grammy & Grampy Robinson | Brenda Wendt | Sarah Mcdonald | Jonathan Markow | Su Mo | Monica Mead | Cathie Bordon | Marla Rosenberg | Laura & Jeff Bryer | TIA RIEBLING | Oliver Green | Sam Green | Jonathan and Gemma Green | Rob Silva | Jen Bellenger | Bruce and Sharon | Ramsay Curtis | Norman MacDonald

特別感謝 Special Thanks: 郭慈幼 新馬蘭, Lily Lin​, Mai Bach​, Balle Balle Indian Restaurant​Gv Kant​,何祐君 ,Ken Wang​

您也可以贊助孩子,贊助婦女,贊助我們!SUPPORT US!


Heading down to Taitung is always a long journey but seeing the children’s faces when we arrive always warms our soul. We give 100% to everything we do. Teacher Noah spent hours and stayed up late the evening beforehand perfect his presentation for kids, taking them through the origins of jazz music highlighting on African American history including racism. Our team gave an attempt at making plant-based soul food, thanks to Carl for visiting Taiwan and joining us, taking over vegan recipes for mayo, fried cornmeal tomatoes, and showing us and the kids on creating a pumpkin pie!

Thanks to some kind folks who donated used tins for our November workshop, once again we found these as a perfect component for DIY drums. We spent a good portion of the day upcycling the tins into magical instruments and then concluded with a jam session. Being able to learn things together, spending time together, is what the holidays are all about!