Daisy’s thoughts:
I am so honored to have known Finn Cunningham for almost 30 years and say without hesitation that she is one of my idols and daily sources of inspiration. It’s not just the words she speaks or writes so eloquently which mesmerize me – it’s her life and actions she takes.
Finn was the one inspired me on the real concept of community, sharing food, sharing knowledge. This was not through our conversations at her kitchen table in San Francisco while I sipped peppermint tea with spiced honey, but through observation of her movement, activity, thought process. She is the true backbone to what I want to achieve with Bright Side’s Kitchen Table. While it may sound cheesy, I honestly believe through it we can come a bit closer to peace on earth. Finn lives a life that does not come with an on/off switch like most self-proclaimed activists. There is no compromise, no hypocrisy. A lot of love.
Our food justice activist provides the recipe for our main course in February 2013. Welcome Finn and I am grateful for having grown up with such an amazing person. More updates soon.
- Finn Cunningham Read more about them here!
- Free Farm. Since harvesting began, more than 2,000 lbs of food have been harvested at the Free Farm and distributed for free to neighbors, volunteers and other community projects. In addition to growing organic produce, the Free Farm also offers free workshops, gives away seedlings and gardening supplies and hosts community, school and religious groups.
- Created by Finn. Urging you to print, share, do something, with these posters. https://www.fishrockroad.org/2011/11/occupydecolonize-posters.html
- Created by Finn. Urging you to print, share, do something, with these posters. https://www.fishrockroad.org/2011/11/occupydecolonize-posters.html
- Created by Finn. Urging you to print, share, do something, with these posters. https://www.fishrockroad.org/2011/11/occupydecolonize-posters.html
- Created by Finn. Urging you to print, share, do something, with these posters. https://www.fishrockroad.org/2011/11/occupydecolonize-posters.html
- Created by Finn. Urging you to print, share, do something, with these posters. https://www.fishrockroad.org/2011/11/occupydecolonize-posters.html
Words from Finn:
“Sharing food not only nourishes us, but it also nourishes community. When you share a meal with strangers or those who you do not yet know, there is the opportunity for connection. There is a kindness in offering food that allows for connection and there is a pause, a rest, from the day’s activities which creates a space for conversation. Who is sitting next to you? Who just offered you a bowl of rice? Who’s hands made this meal? Sharing food says: we are coming together. Sharing food says: we are taking care of each other.”
Finn on what she wants:
“I want to be part of a movement for radical health, where individual and collective well being are tied, where the wisdoms of our diverse bodies are honored, and community care is prioritized. And I believe that healing for ourselves, and our cities, can be found in a greater connection to natural systems and cycles.
I am an artist, urban farmer, writer and educator. I have taught workshops on composting, fermenting, foraging, gardening and herbal remedies. I have led youth in educational farm activities at Pie Ranch, was the garden educator at the Growing Home Community Garden and I am on the team of the Free Farm. I have also been certified as a greywater installer through Greywater Action and I co-founded Source Press, a collective dedicated to dispensing inspiration, information and resources outside of consumerism.”
more details: https://aswecan.wordpress.com / https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Mental-Health-Cookbook/171180059609438
歡迎來自舊金山的Finn Cunningham加入我們的營養午餐料理團隊!
Finn Cunningham是位藝術家、鄉村農夫、作家和教育工作者。是Pie Ranch、Growing Home Community Garden和Free Farm等國際農作機構成員,也協助相關農作教育工作,擁有「廢水行動組織」(Greywater Action)的廢水處理專業執照。她也是源頭報社(Source Press)的創辦人之一,在提倡保護消費者之餘,致力於節能減碳推廣教育。