很榮幸這次受到 VAST 邀請,參與以符合 #SDGs 精神的 #永續市集 為主軸的「想淨辦法x永續市集」,一起對「環境保護」及「永續生活」盡一份心力。
►更多活動照片 More images:https://shorturl.at/7Ha4w
本次活動收益:$3325 將全部繼續支持我們對於孩子和樂齡創意教育的相關活動。

Our famous shaved icy in both traditional Taiwanese and Hawaiian rainbow hue – made its appearance after four years at Vast’s One Earth ESG Marche!
We were able to raise 3,325 NT, with the support of many new friends meeting Bright Side Projects for the first time. Being in a space with likeminded people who grouped together to do good for the earth was an exhilarating experience. From creating upcycled products to 3D film viewing on the ecosystem of Taiwan, waterless surf experience, and talks from guests from various industries, there was something for everyone of all ages.
We were also happy to meet some of our old friends and partners on this lifetime journey from William (PAJO) who will be hosting a charity run at the end of the year for Bright Side Projects, and one of our most lovable staff Yuan and her family.
We love partnering with VAST and all of those who have committed themselves on this lifelong journey to making the world a brighter place for everyone!

Main Sponsor : VAST
大朋友 Big Friends:Daisy Lin|Grace Chang|Jiun Lin|謝耀鉎|黃清揚|Esther Chen|Charline|魯又綺|張鋐婕|康瑞珍|張譯方|余念穎|陳畇菲
攝影師:Daisy Lin|Jiun Lin
特別感謝:梁星宇提供的製冰機| 許海晨協助塗鴉活動看板| Wrong Gallery提供的畫框|Ravi Vegan Taipei提供的畫框架子|Ooh Cha Cha贊助的水蜜桃紅茶|Edie Tsai 贊助的飲水桶|Grace’s mommy贊助的蜜紅豆|Mary’s doggies的 Liza提供的錢箱及桌子