



嚮光因此開啟了「BUILD A HOME 彩繪改造計畫 — 睦祥新家改造大作戰」,由睦祥育幼院的孩子跟嚮光協會一起合作,召集了14位藝術家與孩子們一同對睦祥即將搬遷的新家中14個空間提出想法。





2014 年 9 月 6 日,我們為孩子們揭曉了他們的新家 — 許多孩子在這個家中度過了整個童年與青少年時光,也有新的孩子們加入其中共同生活和成長。

感謝所有藝術家與參與者,回想起十年前第一次「BUILD A HOME 彩繪改造計畫 — 睦祥新家改造大作戰」,至今有幸提供更多樣培力課程,與大小朋友一起打造屬於自己的空間,因為有你們,嚮光的 BUILD A HOME才能走過這十年的光輝歲月。


藝術家: 葉映汝 Rita Yeh | 曹恩慈 Snow Tsao | 江則穎 Salt T.Y Chiang | 許淳喻 Grace Hsu | 李金霖 Sic Lee | 許文蓁 Cotton Disco

| 張恆銘 (六樓鐵皮) 6FTP | 滕孟哲 James Teng | 徐笠慈 | Hsu Li Tzu | 蘇品蓉 Long Long | 單任捷 Christmas | Candy bird | Haena Kang | Dan Cuena

攝影師: KEN Photography | 吳小強 (Chloé Wu)

“What do you want to see every night before you go to sleep and what do you want to see when you wake up?”

Teacher Snow Tsao proposed this question to the children of Taoyuan Muhsiang Children’s home 10 years ago, with the response being “stars, etc etc”

And from there, a childlike room of their dreams and wishes, was born.

One of Bright Side Project’s cornerstone art empowerment projects BUILD A HOME, empowers youth and adults to have a say and participation in the space they use and live in (call home). 10 years ago we undertook our first Build a Home project in Taoyuan MuHsiang Children’s Home, inviting 14 artists to renovate and artistically beautify 14 spaces and rooms alongside the children who live there. 

Bright Side believes fully in children’s rights and their participation so the foremost and most important aspect of the project has always been getting to know the kids and having their consent and involvement in the process. On September 6th 2014, we unveiled children’s new home to them – a home that many of them lived there during their duration there and where new children continue to live and thrive in.

In it’s 10th year on September 6th, 2024, we invite you to look back on the masterpiece that was created and understand more about this project and how it we hope it can extend to brightening the homes and lives of those involved.

We want to thank the artists who were a part of this journey and let them know that they and you continue to make an impact on children’s lives, whether through your creations, your companionship, your donations, or any other form of support you may have shown our Bright Side youth.