蘇夏儀 XiaYi Su
Xiayu is a citizen of Taipei, Taiwan. In high school she dedicated her passion to music and dance. Since 2006 she been involved in a variety of courses stimulating both physical and spiritual growth, both in her home country and abroad. The exploration of art as a spiritual practice has taken her to more than ten countries including India, the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands. Beginning in 2013 Xia began the journey into improvisational dance, continuing to expand into classes on the healing of the art and body; fusing this into art therapy. She is an advocate of the Conscious Body.
2013年 行政院客家委員會『築夢計畫』獲選人赴歐洲捷克布拉格90天,做藝術專題計畫研究,計畫名稱:
2014年 龍應台文化基金會『思想地圖』獲選人赴西班牙巴塞隆納、列伊達111天,計畫名稱:城市的新節奏-
➤義大利「移動的軌跡」Segni Mossi台灣課程承辦人(同時擔任亞洲區聯繫窗口)