I-Chi Lin 林奕其
1989年出生於台北, 畢業於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹 Gerrit Rietveld Academy 藝術學系。 創作媒材涵蓋視覺, 裝置與表演藝術, 在跨領域的藝術工作中, 探討人身心靈的本質與平衡發展。現接受台灣華德福教育師資養成, 於體制外學校, 私人機構擔任兒童藝術老師, 致力發展感官統和藝術課程, 以及成人身心探索活動。
個人網站: www.ichilin.tw
Born in Taipei, 1989. B.A. in Fine Arts at Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Painting, writing and photographing are her media of expression. Since two years ago, she also started to work with installation (objects/space) and live performance with sound and movements (body).
“During the process of creating a work, I go back to the fundamental state of life, discovering how the body and mind are moving and changing in relation to its surroundings.”
Website: www.ichilin.tw
- Teacher Ichi Lin and 阿里斯,
- Teacher Ichi photo courtesy 蘇嘉琦
- Volunteer Ichi
- Stop Motion Animation class with Teacher Rippling Photo courtesy of James Teng
- Photo Courtesy Mimi Chen
- Stop Motion Animation class. Photo courtesy James Teng