Liza Milne
Liza Milne 投入了他的一生在幫助台灣流浪貓狗上,從救援、募款、照護、
除了關注動物相關的議題之外,也投入教育的行列,Liza 從1995年開始在台灣任教,她鼓勵她的學生透過笑話、電視節目、最近發生的事情、書籍和日常對話來融入學習英語的各個方面。她認為最重要的是,學生不應該只專注於學習英文的基礎、文法、單字和寫作技巧,也要學習如何在日常生活中的溝通和閱讀使用英文。
22 多年來,她一直鼓勵學生表達自己,成為木柵陽光森林美語學校深受孩子們愛戴的老師,教學的類型包含個人到團體英語的文法、閱讀、聽力、單字和會話課程。
Liza Milne has dedicated her entire life to helping the stray dogs and cats of Taiwan through rescue, fundraising, care, training, and adoption.Born in the UK, Liza grew up in Taiwan and has become synonymous with the term “animal rescue.” In the past two decades, anyone involved in the field looks to her for undeterred strength, passion, and inspiration on how to never give up.
Liza has been a source of strength for Bright Side Projects as everything she does she does out of pure love and kindness. Much like the thousands of dogs she has single-handedly rescued, we are so happy to have her with us and hopefully teaching the next generation to respect and treat strays with compassion and understanding.She now works with Mary’s Doggies making the world a better place for our furry friends.
Liza Milne has been teaching in Taiwan since 1995. She encourages her students to get involved in all aspects of learning English using jokes, TV shows, recent events, books and general conversation. Liza feels it is important that students don’t only learn the roots of English, grammar, vocabulary and writing structure but also learn how to use English in daily life through conversation and reading.
She has been encouraging students to express themselves for over 22 years as a much beloved teacher at the Sunshine American School in Muzha. Liza is available to teach individual or group English lessons from grammar, reading, listening, vocabulary, and conversation.