Candy Bird | 糖果鳥
b.1982, Taiwan.
Candy Bird 為台灣著名街頭藝術創作者(Street Artist), 台灣各地由北至南,延伸到東部的鐵道藝術村,都可以看到他的作品隱身在都會街角與城市的廢墟,與自然及人文的場景作藝術上的結合。Candy Bird的藝術不僅在本土處處可見,以台灣為出發,他的塗鴉世界地圖正在擴張中,對生存的社會採取主動的關懷。他曾在柏林、北京老朽的牆上留下現代藝術印記,或是在台北、東京的個性商店牆上作畫,以及在巴西聖保羅的社區或緬甸的孤兒院,和小朋友們一起塗鴉。
CandyBird喜歡和空間中的既有物件互動,一堵水泥灰牆、斑駁剝落的磚面、水塔、路燈、變電箱、窗框,都納入他創作的題材,透過想像力讓作品與環境空間融合,不管是揶揄或是借題發揮,街頭成為他的畫室、美術館。為反應自己打工時期的感受,與身旁上班族親友的心境,Candy Bird創造出他的第一個角色人物–繫著領帶的”番薯人”,而「工作之於人生」成為了他早期的創作主題。Candy Bird所景仰的藝術家之一是已故的日本當代藝術家石田徹也,也或許是受到石田的啓蒙,Candy Bird的作品中可以看到這樣的影子,而沒有太多表情的招牌番薯人,與不時出現的純真小女孩、綿羊等角色,讓這種批判與控訴更多了一點無奈與諷刺的效果。
在獲選2013年雲門”流浪者計畫” 至緬甸旅行,及國家文藝基金會的專案贊助,至巴西做塗鴉藝術之旅,Candy Bird的藝術表達,從前至後表述了對現實不公,媒體壟斷,利益剝削,環境政治的抨擊與批判。幾年前,Candy Bird在朋友鄭凱同的介紹之下接觸了三鶯部落反迫遷的抗爭運動,接觸到社會底層,有許多長期被忽視的聲音。Candy Bird在其中繼續塗鴉,發現了塗鴉在公共溝通上所產生的強大力量,他開始思考塗鴉創作的定義與功能,從此不停止的對於社會議題與弱勢聲音的關注。這與他的佛教信仰中所強調的「關心他人」不謀而合,反迫遷、廢核及反土地商品化,他的作品跟著抗爭運動的腳步上街頭,成了著實的「街頭」藝術。
除此之外,Candy Bird的創作透露出對生命的消逝與承受苦難的一種哲思,一種可彼此體會和自身經歷的共同性,他的視覺符號取決自人類現實環境中,和被大眾所蔑視的珍貴價值觀。他實踐了為藝術而藝術的作品,也是為社會而藝術的百態呈現,一句「萬物皆可畫」,徹底道出了塗鴉藝術打破傳統形式與觀賞空間的最大特點。他先前的街頭藝術創作給了他認為「對」的人看,如今更多樣作品的創作,是他用來觸及更多的階層與範圍,也是感染社會更多對象的途徑,傳達出身為藝術創作者,對社會的關注與責任。
As one passes by a dilapidated building marked for demolition, behind each door lies a story. More often than not if in Taiwan, on these cold concrete façades is a stunning visual satire by premiere Taiwanese street artist Candy Bird. With his name harkening back to one of the NBA’s basketball legends, Candy Bird has taken to the streets wielding brushes and paint cans seeking desolate structures of human abandonment since couple years ago.
Candy’s works are rarely titled; the context of his artwork essentially overweighs the name of the pieces. His distinctive characters weave tales of the atrocities in society, lines providing form, meaning, and a voice for the vulnerable. The large-skulled figures he uses in his artistic creations are widely-known to the public. That main figure in his works is called the humming person, the carrot-headed, the kangaroo man, or the sweet potato person, due to its appearance. On that point, the figures he creates in his art are the same; in other words, they refer to the artist himself, and to every person as well. The metaphorical expression of the carved brain of the figure implies a container for thoughts.
Taking cues from prominent local issues, he incorporates various messages into his unique urban murals environmental concerns and human rights violations of land and labor rights. He has collaborated with global NGOs such as Greenpeace and Amnesty International and released his first book “Wet Paint Drying” at the end of 2012. Candy’s previous mural works on street are for the “right” person he selected and can be seen domestically and in Japan, Germany, Brazil, Myanmar, and other countries overseas.
More info:
Candy Bird will be joining our Build a Home Project, read more here
Candy Bird 將參加睦祥育幼院的夏日改造特別企畫,請點此看更多訊息。
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