安格 Angus Lee
旅行/連結/音樂,這都是安格滋養手碟音樂的養分,手碟資歷三年,前一年獨自摸索手碟技巧,自學手碟與樂理,第二年開始參與國際活動,每年在海外旅行尋找同好與相關資訊,試圖把手碟文化帶入台灣,並在台灣發展手碟玩家的社群。擅長迷幻玩法,從靜謐到喧囂,在簡與繁中穿縮自如。現為 蒐SoulDays Studio負責人。
雙指間的宇宙,聲波中的太極。手碟 (Handpan) 是一個新興樂器,在西元2000年由瑞士兩位音樂家Felix Rohner與 Sabina Schärer共同研發。聲音空靈,親近自然,是相當優雅且激發創意的樂器。手碟的玩法沒有對錯、沒有限制,創作者給了世界一個宇宙。
蒐SoulDays Studio在壓抑的社會中,浪漫的生活。以世界音樂回根源,在音樂中旅遊世界各地,並且在世界的聲響下找回生活的根本。
Travel/Connection/Music is the trifecta that which nourishes the sound and creation behind Angus’ instrument of choice; the handpan. Having taken up the instrument for three years, in his first year he took time to learn it on his own and by his second year was joining in international music jams. Each time he goes abroad he learns new things, bringing hands pan to Taiwan and hopes to culture the growth of a musical circle domestically. He is the founder of SoulDays Studio.
The Hang / Handpan is a musical instrument created by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer in Bern, Switzerland. The instrument is constructed from two half-shells of steel sheet glued together at the rim leaving a hollow inside and creating a UFO shape.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/SoulDays/