等待總是值得的,上個月我們終於回歸萬華社區為孩子舉辦了一場活動,我們很想念社區的 一切,很感謝台灣社區實踐協會 對這裡的支持!English below!
更多照片 Images: https://bit.ly/3TjDgK5
我們準備了亡靈節用的骷髏頭造型模具,並歡迎帶領課程的 Sarah, Sarah 是嚮光青年,她在 2012 年時第一次參加嚮光的創意工作坊,在這次活動中,教我們製作和裝飾美味的餅乾。透過烘焙和創作來學習不同的文化是我們很喜歡的學習方式,因為可以嘗到好吃的點心 (大多時候啦!),看著 Sarah 順利完成這個工作坊感到很驚奇, 她在活動前一周就開始計畫課程和採買食材,感謝她的耐心和努力,這種精神值得我們學習。
令人期待的午餐是Teotihuacán 墨西哥料理 餐廳的墨西哥粽 (tamale),他們特別製作了純植版本給我們,孩子很喜歡墨西哥的純植午餐,吃到完全把盤子清空!希望未來可以為這一代的孩子準備更多活動,在長大後也能回饋給下一代!
老師:Sarah Perry
攝影師 攝影師:Daisy
大朋友 好友:Sara Chien
簡秀芳 | Elizabeth Ting | Iris Peng | Yihan 羅柳依晗
特別感謝:台灣社區實踐協會 | Teotihuacán 墨西哥料理 餐廳 Sophie
We have been patient for months before it was finally safe for us to once again host events in Wanhua! We love and miss the community here so much and am grateful to Taiwan Community Practice Association for their support here!
This time we got out our Day of the Dead skull cookie molds and welcomed Sarah, one of our Bright Side Youths who first joined our workshop in 2012, to lead the kids and us on some delicious cookie creation and decorating! Learning about various cultures through cooking, baking, and creation is something that we love to do and also happens to be delicious (most of the time). Seeing one of our apprentices who joined in a workshop now lead a workshop was amazing. Sarah’s patience and her hard work and dedication in the weeks leading up to the class; planning, purchasing, and also preparing many things at home the days before was impressive and we hope that everyone can learn from her.
From sifting the flour to measuring, kneading, cookie cutting, baking, decorating, the kids seemed to have a blast. We added in the beautiful element of painting on terracotta flower pots some of the symbols they learned from Day of the Dead so they knew that there was also life and love in an otherwise “dark” and heavy subject. Since marigolds were not yet in season, color flowers were planted in its stead and we hope the kids can take of them and each other.
An amazing lunch that was made special with tamales from Teotihuacán 墨西哥料理 restaurant, who specially made vegan ones just for us. Kids loved the Mexican plant-based lunch and literally cleaned the bowl. We hope to have more events in the future and for this generation of children to also grow up to give back to the next!
Thank you for your support!
贊助者 Sponsors:Anon | Lulu Chou | 樹林企業股份有限公司 | 捷式股份有限公司 | 追溯 Hair Studio | 痞食維根 Peace Vegan | 一禾堂 – 復北店 YIIHOTANG | Janice Lu | 樹林企業股份有限公司 | H***********y | | Angela Lin | 金炎沙藝坊| 陳冠丞 | 樹林企業股份有限公司 | 黃********a | Yoga with Ruriko | 陳俊明 | C*********g | 李依昍 | 廖秋惠 | 陳*孜 | 陳*莉 | 莊淑雯 | 陳*葳 | 陳俊男 | 石勝行 | H**********************洲 | 柳*辰
Andy Hsia | Anne | Emily | G***********s | H*************************a | H*********N | JimmyPeng | Jou | LeeKimi | Makoto Hamada | MimiY | Runivore Tom | Sofina希塔療癒 | WorldVegan | 凱羚林 | 劉依融 | 台灣哪衝浪有限公司 Swelleye, Ltd. | 吳雨柔 | 夏*甄 | 孫善緯 | 宋曉君 | 康*瑋 | 張*慈 | 張*雅 | 張加油 | 張嘉耘 | 徐心怡 | 戴承正 | 施姵甫 | 施誠浩 | 曾韻安 | 李*庭 | 李Kimi | 李依昍 | 李天玉 | 李甯潔 | 林*廷 | 林*蓁 | 林佩如 | 林夏天 | 林宥瑞 | 林小風 | 林靜怡 | 柯*慧 | 梁朝陽 | 楊*慧 | 江佳穎 | 王人巧 | 王琪 | 盧家琪 | 第三空間工作室 | 芃虹商行 | 范宇璇 | 蔡孟潔 | 蕭靜儀 | 藍*芬 | 覺心文化有限公司 | 許才元 | 許海晨 | 賴曉沛 | 郭明進 | 鍾*祝 | 鐘士凱 | 陳姿辰 | 陳臻怡 | 陳韻竹 | 黃******************************a | 黃*敏 | 黃*芳 | 黃*菊 | Anon | HSIA YI WEI | Joanne | YuRi’s蔬食日嚐 | 劉依融 | 吳一帆 | 吳則葦 | 呂靜佩 | 張璲麟 | 張芷翎 | 探索天下有限公司 | 朱敏道 | 李承龍 | 李甯潔 | 林孝旭 | 梁秀珊 | 楊涵淇 | 江炳彰 | 洪嘉珍 | 洪湘綾 | 王俊凱 | 莊仁生 | 葉盈蘭 | 鄭鉑翰 | 陳佳妤 | 陳修平 | 陳冠如 | 陳冠霖 | 陳婕瑀 | 陳建樺 | 陳彥彰 | 陳怡珊 | 陳惠榮 | 陳柏霖 | 陳煜鈞 | 陳耀祺 | 高大仁 | 黃靖媁