謝謝大家參與我們在萬華的第一場「作伙呷菜」!這次我們的全植主廚是萬華的孩子們,而副主廚是 Ooh Cha Cha 的創辦人與主廚 Mai Bach!

Thank you all for joining our first Kids in the Kitchen in Wanhua! This time our plant-based head chefs were the kids in Wanhua and our sous chef was Ooh Cha Cha’s founder and head chef Mai Bach!


Kids in the Kitchen is an evolved empowerment soup kitchen – instead of simply serving free plant-based meals to the local community, we will work alongside local kids creating some delicious meals that will be shared with others in the neighborhood. We had an amazing spread this time, the kids taking charge to create a mouthwatering Fall Feast for all to share. The menu included Beyond Meat bread stuffing, cashew Mac and Cheese, and mashed potato with mushroom gravy. We also paired it with a pumpkin pie baked on the spot.


From our decade long experience, we know that kids only need the platform and trust given to them to create amazing things. They kept asking how they could help and tasks were dutifully assigned. From cutting vegetables, stir frying, mashing, cooking, serving, and cleaning, they took ownership in each and every part of the creation and serving of the feast. We loved seeing their happy proud faces and know that empowering the youth to take charge is the future. We hope you can join us in the Kitchen or support our program! 


Kids in the Kitchen is part of Bright Side Project’s plant-based food fulfillment program empowering underserved communities through food distribution and engaging youths to cook and share plant-based meals with their neighbors. We hope to host this event regularly with top tier chefs.  


特別感謝 Thank you:Mai Bach(主廚)|Ooh Cha Cha 自然食|Green Monday(麵包)|Vegan  Taipei (純素奶油)

大朋友 Big Friends:周子淨 Aching|馬羽安 Yu-An|林黛西 Daisy|康珈瑋 Joyce|楊洛薇 Lovian

攝影師 Photographer:aching

贊助者 Sponsors:福利社|Little Wonders 親子概念店|60438中國信託|林先生|如邑堂餅家有限公司|全球人壽保險股份有限公司|永旭國際義齒有限公司|樹林企業股份有限公司

定期定額:陳耀祺|林孝旭|王清金|郭明進|陳彥彰|陳婕瑀|anon|Anon|Anon|趙文隆|陳惠榮|黃柏諺|葉盈蘭|Anon|Ishi Lin|梁秀珊|Anon|Anon|王俊凱|劉依融|李嘉偉|吳則葦|洪湘綾|謝心怜|Angela Lin|潘麗婉|陳煜鈞|張芷翎|楊珮寧|Anon|探索天下有限公司|黃俊益|楊涵淇|Joanne|黃靖媁|洪嘉珍|陳冠霖|陳建樺|鄭鉑翰|朱敏道|呂靜佩|陳佳妤|江炳彰|張璲麟|YuRi’s蔬食日嚐|陳冠如|蔡孟潔|莊仁生|HSIA YI WEI |何淑玲|陳怡珊|陳柏霖|Anon|李甯潔|曾于珊|林O喬|黃慧茹|綠帶純植物烘焙|吳一帆|高大仁|亞夢服飾

Ooh Cha Cha 自然食: https://oohchacha.com/?lang=zh-hant

作伙呷菜 Kids in the Kitchen: https://brightside.tw/kidskitchen

支持作伙呷菜 Donate: https://brightside.tw/donate