
我們想利用玩遊戲的方式,讓我們的課程添加更多趣味,同時孩子們也可以藉由這個機會認識在法國的孩子們都在玩什麼遊戲。而剛好那時候四月一號愚人節剛過,Alex就為我們介紹了“poisson d’avril”這個遊戲,有點出乎我們意料的,孩子們竟然會願意花這麼多時間製作大大小小的魚,然後在課程的一整天時間裡,趁人不注意,偷偷地貼在其他人的背後。




老師 Teacher:Alexandra Monnier
攝影師 Photographer:Daisy Lin
廚師 Chef:Alexandra Monnier
大朋友Big Friends:Susu, 蔡慧儀, 楊筑安, 陳湘羚, Zoe, 謝叢憶, 黄立仁

捷式股份有限公司,   Jimmy Sun | 祥益興業社 / 菜市場的Eason, Plants, 探索天下有限公司/蔡慧儀 | 蕭鈞忠 | 陳盈如 | 張瓊云| 鍾幸容 | Stephen Suen | Kelly Lin | 蕭敬騰 | Anonymous Marathoner | Stephen Suen | 私立育才國民小學 Kevin Dam Julie Shih | 歐寶惠 | 李文馨 | Sarah Milne | 捷式股份有限公司 | 黃素月 | 林士軒 | 黃嘉華 | 謝旻璟 | Happy Tuesday

蘇美娟, 林育宏, 丁神父 Father Barry Martinson, 桃山國小, April Lala, 桂花樹自然農場, Sara Chien, Jed Chen, BDigital Asia

Bringing a new type of experience to children through culture, art, and plant-based food, is something that only we can do – and can only do with the support from those who want to share.  In a chance meeting, we met Alex and her boyfriend Aren at an intimate gathering they hosted at their vegan friendly home in Tamshui. Instantly we knew we had to have this amazing French chef who was dedicated to creation vegan cuisine meet the children of ChingChuan!

We came up with a game plan on making the day even more fun and getting the kids to have an opportunity to learn about the games of France. Since it was just a little while after April 1st (known as April Fools Day), Alex shared with us the game of “poisson d’avril.” We did not anticipate that the children would be so and spend a great amount of time making fish big and small to secretly stick onto the backs of others throughout the day.

The kids were able to make their own savory crepes for lunch, paired with ratatouille, and a delicious vegan Mooncheese platter surrounded by french bread and grapes. In the late afternoon we continued our crepe creation extravaganza, afternoon sweets of fresh fruits and melted chocolate. After we finished eating (an entire day’s worth) and made our way home, Teacher Aren told us later that it was only on the MRT back in Taipei that he and Alex discovered a massive fish on the back of his jacket. They proudly mounted the child’s masterpiece on the door of their apartment. This time we also had mostly brand new Big Friends and were glad to invite them up and also directly talk to kids about feelings, acting out in violence, and mandated the need to respect others physical personal space. It’s a topic many people do not necessarily want to get into even with their family or friends but it’s time that something so important was left unspoken. Bright Side Projects is eager to undertake tough issues alongside creative education for true empowerment. We hope children will also learn to share the knowledge compassion, and love with others.

We need your support to continue the lifelong work that we are doing. We are several months behind on our funding and desperately need your support for the children to make it through the end of the year. Consider a donation to make a true impact in a person’s life.