嚮光計畫的 BUILD A HOME 【改造夢想家】獨一無二的!我們相信藝術創作純粹的力量,也堅信孩子們都應該有權力為自己發聲,參與創作的過程!Bright Side Projects BUILD A HOME is like no other. We not only believe in the simple power of art and creation but work with the kids and believe in their rights to have a voice! (English below)
更多照片 More images: https://goo.gl/7kcnJd
我們堅持讓藝術家、大朋友和孩子們一起腦力激盪,共同執行創作。希望 BUILD A HOME 的創作計劃能夠每年持續在台灣不同的兒少機構舉辦,發揮更深更廣的影響力!在你們每一個人的支持下,我們有信心繼續做得更多更好!如果你/妳有希望改造的空間或是希望支持我們的行動,都請隨時與我們聯絡。在周日成功的腦力激盪課程了解孩子之後,一天一怪獸的藝術家游尊均開始設計大型壁畫上的怪獸雛形。經過好幾次反覆的修改調整,終於生出了一隻巨大的紫色怪獸「PoPo」!PoPo 希望在這裡交到很多的朋友,並且與孩子們創作的機器人們成為一家人!
活動當天早上,由Rhea和藝術家游尊鈞為大家簡介整天的工作內容以及預計創作的牆面區域,接著便將孩子們分成小組。孩子們先各自回到教室討論他們的機器人們該如何與新朋友 PoPo 互動,接著在指定負責牆面區域上用粉筆描繪出機器人的輪廓。
同時,我們也讓孩子們將自己的機器人特徵轉化,在 MOODIWOOD 所提供的木板凳上進行創作。這些板凳會在MOODIWOOD9/30舉辦的募款活動中拍賣,讓孩子知道藝術也可以幫助別人!在一段時間的嘗試後,我們終於找到可以讓不同組別的孩子們順利切換完成壁畫創作與小木凳改造的方法。
我們還為大家準備了特別的午餐驚喜!一位曾經在 2012 年參加嚮光工作坊的孩子,從新竹清泉搭便車前來台中幫大家製作美味的壽司!從前參與課程的孩子,現在變成了擔負午餐重責的廚師,台中的孩子們都對壽司的製作過程充滿了好奇。
孩子們花一整天時間彩繪改造的 MOODIWOOD 板凳每一張都是完美的作品,在拍賣當天不到二十分鐘的時間就被搶購一空!嚮光長期以來的主要支持者之一 Rachel 一個人就收藏了兩張板凳!
老師 Teacher: A Monster A Day | 游尊鈞
大朋友 Big Friends: 吳志隆, 熊語僊, 六樓鐵皮, 王勛達, 林盈如, 簡妘臻,李美瑤, ㄚ昏, Rhea Chou, Daisy Lin, 陳智彥
攝影師 Photograper: Ken Photography, Daisy Lin
贊助者 Sponsors:傢櫥有限公司 MOODIWOOD, 財團法人臺北市岱宇國際慈善基金會, 捷式股份有限公司 JET SUNNY, Little Kingdom親子概念店, 布拉德施維根廚房, Marathoner JC, 楊顗帆, 鄭如棻, Vegeholic Happy Tuesday – 家 ・ 分享 ・ 沙龍 傢櫥有限公司 MOODIWOOD
謝謝 Thank you: Cornelia Chen
慈馨兒少之家, Little Kingdom親子概念店
傢櫥有限公司 MOODIWOOD, A Monster A Day
Artists, Big Friends, and Kids brainstorm together and create together. We hope that BUILD A HOME can be a part of many other children centric institutions in Taiwan on an annual basis. Hopefully in the future we can improve even further and to do more. With your funding and support we know we can do it! If you have a home or would like to know ways to sponsor, please contact us.
After our successful brainstorming session from Sunday, our artist 游尊鈞 from A Monster A Day proceeded to draft the proposed artwork for the mural. After a few tweaks and revisions “PoPo” was born! A large purple monster with the purpose of making friends and becoming family with the kids robotic creations!
We split into our groups again in the morning after Rhea and our artist 游尊鈞 introduced the tasks for the day to the kids and showed them the areas for painting the robots. Heading back up to the classroom, groups discussed how to modify their creations to better interact with new friend PoPo. Each was tasked with of the area they were responsible for painting. After chalk outlines were drawn onto the walls outside the robots were ready for their new home.
We also had kids take inspiration from the robots features to transfer onto wooden stools provided by MOODIWOOD for their charity fundraiser to be hosted on 9/30. After several deliberations we decided how best to maneuver in a non-chaotic way of having the team members switch between painting the mural and their one of a kind wooden stools.
This time lunch was a special treat. One of our former students who first joined our workshop in 2012 was able to hitch a ride from ChingChuan and help us make sushi for all the children! It was great to be able to give him responsiblities and see the children enjoy his creation and also marvel at how it was made. We really “spiced” up the sushi ingredients this time with vegetarian floss and kimchi! We spent the night here so a few of us woke up extra early to prep the ingredients for the rolls and the fruit salad. The fruit salad was a hit yet again, the record for Tsu Kuang children was six bowls!
Bright Side Projects has been talking about keeping in touch with kids and providing internship and work opportunities. So excited to see the potential for this program in 2018. We really needed the extra hands as there were a lot of children that day and having him come in at the right time made all the difference! After lunch came a short rest for kids and the woke up from their naps to a fun summer time tradition of flowing noodles played/eaten by Japanese kids.
The day was long and despite the heat kids stayed on task from morning until late in the afternoon. After completion one of the children stepped back from their masterpiece admiring it, telling their Big Friend “The part that I drew is cannot be more perfect!”
The MOODIWOOD stools were perfect as well, kids spending the entire day painting and adding to it. We are happy to say that all of these were snatched up immediately within 20 minutes of arriving at the event, simply amazing. Rachel, who is a huge supporter of Bright Side Projects, now has two in her venerable collection.
With the conclusion of this project, we are so grateful for the support. While we were unable to raise all the funds we asked for, we did what we could. Thank you to our sponsors!