插畫品牌簡介: 英語裡有句俗諺:「An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.」,意指每天藉由吃一顆蘋果,就能保持健康,
現代人的生活裡存在著許多壓力與無奈,「A Monster A day/一天一怪獸」尊鈞將這些稍縱即逝的感想與情緒,
於是在2012年成立了A Monster A Day,希望在每天作畫的過程裡,
合作對象: 小路映画工作室、台北當代藝術館、精明一街玩劇島、奧美廣告、
臉書: https://www.facebook.com/AMonsterADay/
Youtube頻道: www.youtube.com/user/AMonsterADay/videos
One of the most well known phrases is “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.”
Right now we live our lives day to day plagued by pressure and a sense of helplessness – A Monster A Day brings to our lives monsters that relieve the stress and send these negative emotions away! The artistic group was set up in 2012, hoping that through the healing process of painting and art on a daily basis, the monsters can bring up on a positive mental outlook on life and bring comfort and invoke happy moods around the world.
A Monster A Day has worked with a variety of partners from Taipei Contemporary Art Center, Nike, Ogilvy & Mather, Nike, Hi Interactive, Volkswagen, China Times, Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, and more!