Update: We are so happy to have plant-based restaurant Mianto sponsor the main course for our upcoming workshop!

課程目的: ”迷你我”工作坊是一系列帶領小朋友探尋內在自我的課程,孩子們將透過藝術創作的形式逐漸挖掘、認識內心中那個純粹完整的’自己’。 讓每個小朋友都能認識自己,尊重自己,表達自己,同時能尊重身邊的每一個人。這場特別需要攝影師及可以幫我們準備純蔬食的朋友!聯絡:brightside.tw@gmail.com

Purpose: The “Mini Me” is a series of empowerment courses that commands an introspection of knowing oneself first, and thus, how to interact with others. Through innovative, creative forms and guidance of volunteers children will learn valuable tools to tap their “inner child” and express themselves. We welcome friends to join us as we lead this experience through art and other activities!

We also specifically need friends to prepare a vegan meal for everyone and also a photographer for this session. Contact us: brightside.tw@gmail.com

老師 Lead Teacher: Grace Hsu (Chang Tai Tai)
Assistant: James Teng
日期Date : 8/22/2015 (Saturday) (六)
時間Time: 上午11:00 – 下午15:30 (台北09:30出發)
地點 Location: 桃園睦祥育幼院 Taoyuan MuHsiang Children’s Home
贊助者Benefactor: 捷式股份有限公司 * It’s A Vegan Affair – Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale! 純素烘焙義賣活動!

5月課程費用 (不含交通): 200, 300, 400 (感謝捷式股份有限公司及5月份純素烘培義賣活動贊助一部分)。費用分級的用意在於我們希望讓這活動本身能讓更多志工參與,因此讓報名金額更有彈性。包含日式中餐的材料。 交通預估100-150元來回。

Material Fees for May (not including transportation); sliding scale of 200, 300, 400; partially covered by 捷式股份有限公司 and the recent Vegan Bake Sale! Not including transportation, 100-150 NT roundtrip for rideshare.

報名方式 Registration Process (Maximum 15):
1. Read and register here: https://goo.gl/bN4HEq
2. Email brightside.tw (at) gmail.com 發EMAIL到brightside.tw (at) gmail.com
Bright Side Projects will confirm your details and if there is a spot for you. 嚮光受到報名訊息72小時內通知你確認課程位子。
3. Rideshare will be announced 7 days prior. 嚮光會跟你聯絡確認報名治療,共乘汽車方式課程7天前會再次做確認。
FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1649538841956725/