We still need people to come! 睦祥育幼院11月2日墨西哥鬼節課程 還有位子喔!確人一起來幫忙!如果無法參加,可以參考支持孩子的課程費用及中餐點心,我們需要4500元左右 (27孩子)。 If you can’t make it, please consider donating for our course material fees, we need approximately $4,500 NT ($150 used) minimum for this workshop for 27 kids.
Clay pots 花盆 = 50 NT each (1,350) $1.65 USD
Plants 花 = 50-80 NT each (1,350-2,160) $1.65~$2.75
Fertilizer/dirt 土 = ~ 500 NT ~$20
Afternoon snack for 35 pax 中餐點心35位 = 1,200 ~ $40
Cost 費用 = 4,500-5,210 = $150-$180 USD
To DONATE贊助我們:https://wp.me/P326jt-zW
To REGISTER 報名: https://goo.gl/4uPX8X
FB Event details 活動訊息: https://brightside.tw/2014/10/10/2014-112-day-of-the-dead-plant-life-celebration-at-muhsiang/
We welcome everyone to join us for on the first weekend of November so we can learn more about the Mexican Day of the Dead celebration。 Not only will we celebrate this blessed holiday through fun art activities but also learn about plants and life.
Must register 必須填: https://goo.gl/4uPX8X
We will also host the Day of the Dead celebration in ChingChuan the next day before (11/1).
Date/Time 日期 /時間:
November 2nd, 2014 (Sunday) 13:30 – 16:30
地點Location: 睦祥育幼院 MuHsiang Children’s Home
目的 Purpose: 透過藝術及照護植物的方式介紹不同的文化給大家Introduce a new culture holiday and a different way to look at “life” to everyone through plants and art.
孩子會學Children will learn:
A new culture, Day of the Dead, basic plant care
Volunteer Tasks: guiding kids through painting, setup, clean up
Teacher 老師: Grace Hsu
Maximum Capacity: Space is limited to 10 volunteers on a first come first serve basis
Material Fee: 200, 300, 400 NT. What is a sliding scale? We understand that everyone’s circumstance is different and want to make the workshop accessible to everyone. Pitch in what you can! Not inclusive of transportation. Cover a light snack for brunch. Suggest to have a large breakfast.
11月課程費用 (不含交通): 志工可任選300, 400, 或500元投入本次活動基金。費用分級的用意在於我們希望讓這活動本身能讓更多志工參與,因此讓報名金額更有彈性。現在就告訴我們你的選擇吧! 活動當天我們提供簡單的點心。比較容易餓的朋友麻煩早餐自己在家裡先用再出門。
How to sign up? 報名方式:
- Read and register here: 發email後必須填 https://goo.gl/4uPX8X
- Email brightside.tw (at) gmail.com 發EMAIL到brightside.tw (at) gmail.com
- Bright Side Projects will confirm your details and rideshare will be announced 7 days prior. 嚮光會跟你聯絡確認報名治療,共乘汽車方式課程7天前會再次做確認。
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/700797410004566/