Here comes another fun and valuable course for both the kids and volunteers. In the past year and with almost a dozen workshops, one of the current trends I noticed is that kids are hesitant to present their work. Although they are very familiar with our returning volunteers and are definitely a rambunctious bunch, when it comes time to showcase their masterpieces or provide audio tracks for short films, they need a warm nudge and support. We all do! I believe one of my first “big” presentations outside of school was when I was in my mid 20s, took place in New Zealand for a pretty large audience spanning from 6-7 different countries. I was shaking in my boots!
課程目的: “迷你我”工作坊是一系列帶領小朋友探尋內在自我的課程,孩子們將透過藝術創作的形式逐漸挖掘、認識內心中那個純粹完整的’自己’。 讓每個小朋友都能認識自己,尊重自己,表達自己,同時能尊重身邊的每一個人。
小朋友的學習重點: 1. 透過不同觀點重新認識自己並能有創意地表達自我。
2. 紙作技藝與創意呈現方法。
Purpose: The “Mini Me” is a series of empowerment courses that commands an introspection of knowing oneself first, and thus, how to interact with others. Through innovative, creative forms and guidance of volunteers children will learn valuable tools to tap their “inner child” and express themselves.
Children Will Learn: Utilize different outlook to learn about themselves and express themselves creatively. Paper art, creative presentation exhibition skills.
Volunteer Tasks: Work with the children to learn more about them and assist them on artistic creations of their Mini Me. Also learn more about yourself Guide the children on tasks setup, clean up.
Date/Time 日期 / 時間:
September 28th (Saturday) 11:00 am – 4:30 pm (Volunteers 10:00 am arrivals)
九月28日(六)上午11:00 - 下午 4:30 (志工10:00到)
Location: Taoshan Youth Cultural Center in ChingChuan, Hsinchu
地點: 新竹縣五峰鄉桃山村 桃山 活動中心
老師 Lead Teachers: 牛俊強 Niu Chun Chiang, James Teng
Lunch: We are pleased to have SALADAY and their volunteer team at our Kitchen Table to support us!
Maximum Capacity: Space is limited to 7 volunteers on a first come first serve basis,
1. 麻煩9月19日前EMAIL Please send email to before September 19th 2013 to reserve your spot.
2. 填表格 Fill out form
3. 9月24日左右通知交通 Spot will be confirmed and other details will be provided by 9/24.
九月費用 (不唅交通) Course Fees (Transportation not included): Sliding scale $200, $300, $400
What is a sliding scale? We understand that everyone’s circumstance is different and want to make the workshop accessible to everyone. Pitch in what you can! Covers course materials for kids, and lunch for both you and the children.
Facebook event: