Children x Adults: Spectrum of the Rainbow

成人色彩 一個議題帶上成人的有色眼光後,簡單單純事情變的艱鉅寸步難行
孩童色彩 調色成為孩童的快樂遊戲區,任憑色彩的調和和搭配,再多的顏色總是繽紛快樂

仰望 大地之大許多事物便賦予想像
視線 改變心的方向

When we see things through the eyes of an adult,
the colors appear to be hazy, simple issues become complex, and the resulting rainbow is a world that is dull and colorless.

Children simply mix colors freely and happily. Regardless of how many colors there are, they remain bright and clear. The lost origin and passage to growth are can always be found in the innocence of the word of children.

The expansion of the world leads into uncaptured imagination and our heart follows where our eyes and our vision goes.

Read more about 葉映汝 Rita Yeh
is part of our Build a Home Project, read more here and here
葉映汝 參加睦祥育幼院的夏日改造特別企畫,請點此點此 看更多訊息。

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Photos courtesy Ken Photography and Chloe Wu。