by Bright Side Projects | Dec 28, 2013 | Advocacy Through Art, Arts & Craft, Post Report, Youth
One of our first workshops introducing the world of advertising to the kids! The best thing is we had so many new faces, not just with the volunteers, but many of the children as well. It’s always so nice that even after a year of workshops at ChingChuan, new faces...
by Bright Side Projects | Nov 14, 2013 | The Neighborhood
許芳宜 Ivy Hsu 和知名舞蹈家同名,好處是在網路的世界保有隱私,幾乎google不到。還有遞名片的時候,玩玩觀察對方藝文涉獵程度的小遊戲。沒有壞處。 1979年秋天出生,喜歡電影和閱讀,創意這兩個字和從小就不怕上台拿麥克風講話的膽量一樣,天生就有一些,但努力想做到更好。 英文名字叫Ivy是因為小時候英文很爛,名字太長會背不起來,所以老師好心賞了三個字母的洋名。 Sharing the same name [許芳宜] as a famous dancer has a myriad of benefits. Privacy is...
by Bright Side Projects | Nov 7, 2013 | Advocacy Through Art, Arts & Craft, Event Call-Out
不好意思!名額已滿! 麻煩等12月份的課程 Sorry, this workshop is full! Please wait for news on our December workshop! 「藝術,讓愛發聲」系列活動讓孩子們發揮藝術天分,並讓他們知道自己的小小力量也能夠對世界有所幫助。上回活動我們透過創作幫助狗狗朋友,喚起人們對他們的重視。本次課程邀請到的講師,將帶領孩子更進一步用藝術創作強化表達,快來報名這個超有趣的活動吧! The “Advocacy Through Art” series...