街坊人物專訪 Interview | 黃亞中 Mohan Huang

街坊人物專訪 Interview | 黃亞中 Mohan Huang

Share 街坊人物專訪 | 黃亞中 Mohan Huang 嚮光協會很榮幸地能夠有亞中成為大朋友,一起陪著孩子們打籃球!他不畏長途跋涉、持續性花上四個小時往返清泉部落,為的是提供小朋友更多元化的活動。除了擁有高尚的品德與無止盡的耐心,亞中也是少數能夠真正看透優質的陪伴與締結友誼對孩子們的意義。 Daisy: 你是在何時、如何得知嚮光協會?為什麼想參與? Mohan:...
2015 2/7 Youth Basketball Program 少年籃球課程

2015 2/7 Youth Basketball Program 少年籃球課程

2015年第二次為了我們的新的籃球計劃上去清泉!有興趣快報名,如果可以開車帶載志工上去,很歡迎! The second basketball session for 2015 with the kids in Chingchuan! We might not all be athletes but we welcome you to join, help prepare snacks, and just join a day in the mountains with the kids. We especially need a...
2014 8/23 Youth Basketball Program 少年籃球課程

2014 8/23 Youth Basketball Program 少年籃球課程

第四次為了我們的新的籃球計劃上去清泉!有興趣快報名,尤其歡迎攝影師還有喜歡大籃球的朋友!如果可以開車帶載志工上去,也很歡迎! The fourth of our Bright Side Basketball sessions with the kids in Chingchuan! We might not all be athletes but we welcome you to join, help prepare snacks, and just join a day in the mountains with the...
2014 7/19 Youth Basketball Program 少年籃球課程 III

2014 7/19 Youth Basketball Program 少年籃球課程 III

第三次為了我們的新的籃球計劃上去清泉!有興趣快報名,尤其歡迎攝影師還有喜歡大籃球的朋友!如果可以開車帶載志工上去,也很歡迎! The third of our Bright Side Basketball sessions with the kids in Chingchuan! We might not all be athletes but we welcome you to join, help prepare snacks, and just join a day in the mountains with the...