We are so blessed to have the generous heart of basketball coach Mohan Huang, who has made it his priority to head up to ChingChuan almost every month for the past year. As we have a pretty high sign up rate for basketball if kids don’t have other obligations, Mohan often brings another of his friends with him to ensure that kids all get a chance at the 3-4 hour session.

Since January Alan Chao has been making the journey and also taking notes on the kids basketball improvement. There are plenty of kids who are already on the elementary school basketball team who want to hone their skills but we also provide training to kids who are not on the team and want to practice. Since the elementary school has one coach this might the only time that they have someone who is focused on them.


Our purpose is not only to provide a fun, healthy, physical activity for kids but also to spend time with them. We are looking to develop more in ChingChuan and also looking for a regular photographer and possibly a videographer for the monthly journeys. Contact brightside.tw@gmail.com if you’d like to help!

These great photos are by Ken Wang