I really enjoyed our first Mad Scientist class in creating the volcanoes and since due to typhoon delays, there was a lower turnout for that workshop. So I always looked forward to sharing this experience with more kids and big kids. This time I decided to undertake the task of creating the clay from scratch during the workshop. Knowing the raw ingredients and creating a final product with your hands can be so fun and exciting. I didn’t have a lead “teacher” for this workshop so wrote out the instructions the night prior.
With 20 kids and many big kids, we split into 4 groups. Flour, cream of tar tar, salt, oil, mixing bowls, were provided to for the formulation of the clay. Plastic bottles grabbed from the trash were used to re-create the mouth and container for volcanoes; cardboard boxes I grabbed from grocery store proved to be excellent backdrops, perfect for painting scenery. Kids took their new friends around their home to collect additional items to decorate and specialize the molded volcanoes.
Everything from the clay volcano, boxes, rocks, twigs, were dutifully and colorfully painted – even glitterfied. While we waited for the masterpieces to dry in the baking 40 degree celcius sun, we cooled off with freshly (and much needed) ice smoothies blended from watermelon, apple, and pineapples. Everyone quickly and hungrily assembled for lunch, holding onto tortilla wraps to select from the assorted burrito ingredients that we just chopped up. Chips were dipped into salsa, Paula’s home-made hummus, and Sophie’s made-on-the-spot amazing guacamole. For the kids and many adults, this was their first Mexican meal. Everyone had at least 3 burritos – some even up to 5! Hands on this was probably one of my favorite Kitchen Table lunches and I’m already planning for an August repeat of this.
- Chips and Dips
- Burrito fillings
After a brief food coma-nap, we gathered everyone around again. We gave everyone a few different options on which concoction would result in the largest eruption. Afterwards every group got to dump in baking soda, food coloring, and vinegar so see their masterpiece in action! Paula, who played our Mad Scientist, did the honors and self sacrifice of dropping the Mentos into the Diet Coke for the winning combo!
Thanks to our stellar photographer and also Board of Director member Starry for this amazing video she produced to surprise us!
A successful workshop and we will be in MuHsiang for the month of August on a new and fun project. Read up on our “Build A Home” beautification plan and get involved now! Thank you to our photographers / thank you to MuHsiang for giving consent to utilize the images.
Kitchen Table Lunch: Mexican bean burritos, freshly made guacamole, home-made hummus with pita bread, chips and salsa. Fresh blended iced watermelon, apple, and pineapple smoothies.
志工 Volunteers: Paula Perry, Jeff Yang 楊智傑, Sophie Hsu, Angela Hung, Bea Perry, Sarah Perry, Chieni McCullough, Anya Webster-McCullough, Reiya Webster-McCullough, Rufen Cheng, 聖誕節, 蔡幸芳, 蔡幸穎, Rippling Tsou, Julie Shih, 王素梅, 姜重伊
攝影師 Photographers: 鄭又綺, 白炯涵
贊助者 BENEFACTORS: Tara & CJ Laing, Yuting Hung, SALADAY, Pure Yoga, Jerry Liu, Jed Chen, Sara Chen
Date/Time 日期 /時間:
July 6th (Sunday) 11:00 am – 4:30 pm
7月6日(日) 11:00-16:30
Location 地點: Taoyuan Muhsiang Children’s Home 桃園縣睦祥育幼院
Purpose: to trigger an interest in science through artistic creations of mini volcanoes while understanding the fundamental principles of chemistry at work.
Kids will Learn:
Science, chemistry, teamwork, creativity, science, story-telling, photography