因為蘇力颱風的災害,瘋狂科學家 II ─ 火山歷險記被延後到8月17日了。但是我還有另外兩位朋友, RIPPER及JAMES還是有上去帶了一些捐贈的維他命及抽水馬達 。16日過夜,跟居民一起準備用晚餐,更進一步了解他們需要的東西, 也算是很久沒有見面的所一聊聊天。隔天跟小朋友做ENGLISH MUFFIN迷你PIZZA,以為會有5個小朋友參加但是還是有14位來! 到最後做了40多份小PIZZA, 小朋友吃的很開心。 他們提別愛鳳梨還有香菇加在PIZZA上面。
好險還是有安排課程因為我們無法跟許多小朋友的家長聯絡因為蘇力颱風,除了中華電信都收不到訊號。 這幾個小朋友6個禮拜以前報名還記得要來上課! 以前一開始嚮光課程的時候都擔心小朋友不會來上課,不是忘記就是不想來,所以他們這樣的行為讓讓我感覺非常感動。 小朋友還直接報名8月17日的課程了!又說每次來我們都有準備好吃的東西給他們。 有一次小朋友說東西好吃應該是因為我們使用愛心做得,也因為我們大家一起準備,一起吃。
路還是有點危險,但是可以通。有興趣參加課程的朋友可以報名 。 可以募款的朋友可以參考HANDFUL OF SAPPHIRES 的訊息
This was a last minute mini session since the Mad Scientist Volcano workshop was delayed (to August 17th sign up now space limited) due to Typhoon Soulik. It was a good thing we decided to stop by since we were unable to cancel the workshop because the majority of cell phone providers were not working. Even after 1.5 months later after registration, kids still showed up without a reminder! Amazing!
Purpose was to bring relief items and also to visit the kids so they knew we did not forget about them.
感謝:Thank you to those who pitched in this time: Chieni McCullough, Michael Turton, Greg Wang, Angela Lin, Jenna Cody, Karen Hwang. Your donations have really made a difference!
- Mini Pizzas! Photo courtesy James Teng
- Helping grate cheesePhoto courtesy James Teng
- Photo courtesy James Teng
- Photo courtesy James Teng
With a few purchases of wishlist items (a water pump, vitamins for seniors, donations from Rita) tucked in the trunk, Ripper, James, and I were on our way to ChingChuan last Friday the 16th. James had been aware that this was predicted as one of the most severely hit spots by Typhoon Soulik and it did seem to be the case. Thanks to a few images shared on social media, we were able to see how supplies were lifted in and roads were damaged.
However, the news never reported on it. Electricity was down, water pipes were damaged, transportation (very specifically stated for cars) were cut off. Some of the homes and buildings, including the community center we utilize for workshops, suffered from the drudgery of avalanched mud. Friends from Rangi made it up a week prior with clothing donations and learned that water pipes were needed. So we made calls and came up with the community’s list.
- Yeah…really heavy.
- Beautiful ChingChuan
By the time we made it up there, cellular service was still down and the roads were barely passable. Just rained the night before and one of the ad hoc roads had collapsed again with a wide gaping hole. After we arrived and had a better understanding of what was going on, we also prepared and shared dinner together.
The next day we had an excited kid barrage into our room at 07:30, jumping around and excited. Initially Bright Side was going to host a workshop to make volcanoes on the 27th so we decided that we would not bail out on the kids. While a majority of volunteers would not be able to make it up we decided to still prepare and have lunch with them. By lunchtime mini English muffin pizzas (pineapple and mushrooms were the favorite toppings), Italian kale salad, and fruit salad with lemon juice and coconut cream was prepared along with a great animation DVD shared by James.
- Waking us up!
- Waking us up!
- Photo courtesy James Teng
- Photo courtesy James Teng
- Photo courtesy James Teng
- Photo courtesy James Teng
- Photo courtesy James Teng
- Photo courtesy James Teng
- Kids got to pick the toppings.
- Photo courtesy James Teng
- Photo courtesy James Teng
Met some new friends, several of the new children thanks to Father Barry, and reconnected with old ones. Assistance is still needed for approximately 10 KM worth of water pipes; we have saved some funds from our first trip for this later purchase. We also returned a few bottles of vitamins to pitch in this effort as it seemed more urgent. Become part of the global community and see the niche where you fit best to aid others in need.