This is hopefully just the first the series our “Advocacy Through Art” – and what a success it was! Four passionate teachers guided the children to learn about our canine friends and how to care for them.

Teachers started off with a short story detailing the life of an abandoned dog and then broke into three small groups to discuss how, once a dog has been adopted, does one care for him. This included a healthy doggy diet, how to approach him, and also steps that should be taken to ensure a healthy environment. They drew out a few designs and the teachers began the first step of silkscreen printing to carefully transfer the kids designs onto transparent paper, then headed to the washroom (ad hoc dark room) to lay this under the exposure lamp to create the very specific mesh screen. Screens were stapled into the frames and ready for the T-shirts.

Each of the kids after their delicious chocolate fondue snack (fresh fruit options and pretzels provide) had a chance to silk screen their own designs onto a T-shirt! Their creations will make a positive impact on the world and also empower kids with knowledge and this new-founded skill set. New teachers and many new volunteers were on hand to work with the kids. Everyone got involved with the kitchen tasks, turning out a delicious lunch, kindly supported by organic vegetables my friend Sara Chien planted in PingTung.

A few more T-shirts are now ready for charity sale with the kids creations, with limited size runs and a grand total of less than 25. Check them out here and see here for size runs. All proceeds will go back to the association and supporting animal welfare organizations in Taiwan. Check out Animals Taiwan as the organization of our choice for this session as they have always been so supportive when I’ve come across strays that needed assistance.

Purpose: The “Advocacy Through Art” series welcomes us to learn about a new world and empowers by kids channeling their artistic talents to make a positive impact on the world. This time we kicked off by learning about one of our best friends – dogs!

Children Will Learn: How to turn art into action to helping others, gain a sense of empowerment. Basic animal welfare on pet care, utilizing art on different mediums, silk screen t-shirts, story-telling, etc.

Lead Teacher: Michelle Lin, Carol Lin, Fish Hsieh, Beryl Chang

Benefactors: Yuting Hung, Sara Chien, Carol Lin, Michelle Lin

Volunteer tasks: Assist the four teachers in training materials regarding dogs, work with kids in the groups to guide them towards creating a design. Create silk-screen T-shirts with the children and other art crafts. We also need kitchen angels, photographers, videographers, editors.

Hearty potato chunks with broccoli and cheddar cheese
Stir fry bok choy
PingTung Mix – Organic carrot, string beans, tomatoes with local bell peppers.
Fruit Salad with Coconut Milk

Afternoon Snack: Chocolate fondue with fresh fruit, pretzels, and walnuts

Location: Taoshan Youth Cultural Center

Kids: 羅柳樂優, 張凌薇, 何惠慈, 高韻如, 曾茹意, 黃葦薇, 曾巳棋, 曾妤婕, 賴 奕軒
Volunteer Pool: Sophie Chang, Jeff Yang, RV Lai, Jon Burke, 鄭又綺, 蘇嘉琦

Event Callout: