「 佳欣送禮 」已持續十二年囉!今年嚮光依舊秉持著愛與祝福,將滿滿的溫暖分享給台東新馬蘭部落的孩子與家庭。
►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/nrrVq1
在活動地點的路上,便看到 家長小玲 於門口向我們熱情地招手,一個大大的擁抱與簡單問候,傾訴滿溢的想念。
午餐後,我們與 小玲 一同將 #純植物資一戶戶送到家庭。見到許久未見的家長,得知家庭又多了小小新成員,希望這些禮物可以讓他們溫暖地度過這個冬天。一路上,嚮光跟隨著 小玲的小皮卡車,看著車上原先高高疊起的物資最後全數送達,內心感到很欣慰。
感謝 素易購 挑選的豐富純植物資,有植物乃、堅果抹醬和手工拉麵等等多達 16 項,感謝 純素天堂 美味的白米,也謝謝聖誕天使 Carter 為孩子募集聖誕禮物,以及所有支持嚮光歲末活動的您們,讓我們能持續送愛到台東!

To cap off another year of necessities, we were happy to be able to continue our tradition of delivering necessities alongside kids in Taitung! Both the kids and Bright Side look forward to this activity.
Kids first helped with unpacking and sorting plant-based staple foods and necessities for our afternoon delivery to 10 families. They then settled down for their own treat – unwrapping our zero waste wrapped gifts. From a guitar to new running shoes and stationary for schoolwork, we tried our best to fulfill their wishes and also make the most of day together.
Although its been difficult to make it out to Taitung as we did not receive enough funding to host our workshop here, we still hoped to be able to spend a memorable day with the children. The warmth that you have provided is not simply because of the gifts or necessities delivered but because of the faces, love, and dedication behind it.
We hope that 2024 will be a better year for us and everything falls in place so we can jump start regular creative education workshops again in the community. In the meantime, we are happy to provide our resources for Brighter Futures to the youth and work with them on planning a cultural trip outside of Taitung.

禮物包裝小精靈:Tiffany Chang | Grace Chang
大朋友 Big Friends:Daisy Lin | Tiffany Chang | 陳柏政
攝影師 Photographer: Daisy Lin
特別感謝: 純素天堂Vegan Heaven | 素易購 SUIIS | 聖誕天使 Carter | Santa Jia-Xin | Lucile Lo (聖誕節頭飾)
The Rosenbergs | Sharon Curtis Ramsay | Paul Tenk | Marla Rosenberg | Kaliah Ames | Rosa Dejoy | Cassie Holden |子瑀王 | 林佳醇 | 宋維君 | 簡珮如 | 張建智 | 鍾** | 潘*嘉 | 琬喬陳 | 張詩詩 | 崇安朱 | 永珍朱 | Yingting Chen | Nicolas Lin | Ting YiWU | 鄭琪 | 張毓玶 | 黃竫玟 | 鄭琪 | 梁*琴 | 蔡淑雯 | 鄭*婷 | Stacey Chang | 阿琪 | 張嘉倩 | GaoShih Syuan | PengYun wen | 玟伶賴 | 偉** | 侯惠 | ShihShi weei | 陌生人 | Fanny Chen | 函** | Maggie Lee | 黃柏涵 | 呂孟樺 | 麗雯蔡 | 柯柯 | 小可 | 朱妙清 | 黃珮瑜 | 謝依妍 | 政家楊 | 瑀菲陳 | 施小姐 | 李子瑛 | 珍瑩蘇T************g | 介翰黃 | 啟剛孫 | 陌生人 | Mandy Chen | 鄞綸王 | 呂柏璋 | 翔聖黃 | 黃侑涵 | 鏡** | A****u | CYC | P***********G | 林隆圭 | 羅舒怡 | 學正黃 | 張育菱 | Sandy | Party | Lilian | 史| 洪先生 | 葉*蘭 | 潘志明 | C******g | 黃明珠 | 邱小姐 | 劉品妡 | 林*舜 | 陳幸葳 | 李麗芳 | 黃淑貞 | 游*勳 | Jen | 李*霖 | K******i | W*****o | 李** | 李威政 | 李昶宇 | 匿名 | Chang Chia Fang | 廖國豪 | 石勝行 | 黃*俊 | Brian | 林奕翔 | 莊*蓉 | 祝你快樂 | 許淳喻 | 廖*捷 | 杜泓頡 | Sheepherder | WUHSIAO YI | 陳*琦 | 陳俊豪 | 江如穎 | 許*宜 | 方婉君 | 李湖龍 | 蘇廷倢 | 江依宸 | 無名氏 | 郭*均 | 王*洲 | 李治城 | 王恩琪 | Weichen Kung | 張凱惟 | 陳*廷 | 王*琴