今年第一場歲末系列活動在 苗栗幼安教養院 /關懷 圓滿結束啦!
►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/Xm8vjD
這次課程我們讓苗栗的夥伴有機會更認識狗狗,培養愛護動物的同理心,並製作狗狗餅乾當禮物,送給狗狗,以自身的力量分享愛 ~ 讓我們一起來看看當天發生什麼趣事吧!
✔︎介紹 Mary’s Doggies
我們也介紹 Mary’s Doggies 如何照顧台灣流浪狗,最終目的是幫狗狗找尋一個『永遠的家』。
接著,透過『 狗狗食物 Yes or No 』的遊戲,讓苗栗夥伴了解狗狗與人類的飲食差異,進一步帶入今日的任務:製作狗狗餅乾送給 Mary’s Doggies,讓狗狗可以補充體力,更專注學習與訓練。
✔︎製作 #純素 狗狗餅乾
✔︎製作 #純素 南瓜派
餅乾完成後,當然要裝在美美的餐盒裡! 苗栗夥伴先認識簡單的對稱圖形:圓圈和愛心,再挑選各色不織布和紙張,利用對折、剪裁和黏貼來訓練手眼協調與視覺感知能力。
上週,我們把成品送到華山園區給正在放風的 Mary’s Doggies ,狗狗們看到餅乾就秒速清空呢!
MiaoLi is the first stop of our year end gift creation workshops for the Santa Jia-Xin! A special winter gift creation special was created this time – peanut butter doggy treats that will be donated to Mary’s Doggies! Anyone can be empowered through a variety of ways whether it’s art, baking, movement, to be able to give back love to others.
We started the early morning introducing the basic needs of dogs and linked this with needs and wants that we have – food, water, shelter, and safety. Mary’s Doggies was introduced when we went over the plight of strays in Taiwan right now.
After understanding the plight of dogs, an actionable step was proposed that would be able to help dogs on their journey to find furever homes – doggy cookies and treats that would aid them in training. We split into groups and everyone got a chance to dabble in this expression of activism to help others during the holiday season.
A pumpkin pie was also made and popped into the oven so that our youth and adults could have themselves a treat too! While the cinnamony aroma wafted through the classroom, upcycled boxes for the doggy treats were decorated with hearts and colorful circles by our friends. Paper was folded in half to cut – his activity worked on their hand eye coordination and built hand strength, hopefully improving their visual motor and visual perceptual skills.
老師 Teacher:Grace Chang
大朋友 Big Friends:Daisy Lin | Tiffany Chang | 陳柏政 | Grace Chang
攝影師 Photographer:Daisy Lin
特別感謝::苗栗縣私立幼安教養院 | Mary’s Doggies Liza Milne | Ooh Cha Cha (盒子)| Lucile Lo (聖誕節道具)| Paula Perry (彩色紙)| Edie Tsai (粉臘筆)
贊助者:Santa Jia-Xin | 王麗琴 | 陳俊廷 | 張凱惟 | Weichen Kung | 王恩琪 | 楊秋香 | 王錦洲 | 郭泯均