►更多活動照片 More images:https://reurl.cc/QZyApo
這次活動特別安排 3 個小任務給阿嬤們,請各位仔細瞧瞧照片中阿嬤們是否有認真執行任務***
✔︎第一站和第二站分別是日本藝術家『草間彌生』的大南瓜和英國藝術家『Philip Colbert』的 Lobster Man!這兩件是大多數阿嬤們很喜歡的作品,理由竟然是…
✔︎接著我們來參觀韓國藝術家『DJ Koo』的聲光體驗作品,翻玩經典畫作《戴珍珠耳環的少女》,阿嬤們一聽到音樂,立馬隨之擺動『動茲動茲動』~瞬間化身為潮流阿嬤
✔︎最後一站我們來到 IARTS DECOR 我之藝術 與 White Space,認識印尼的藝術家『Ronald Apriyan』。藝術家的靈感來自英雄電影,用 Q 版的方式和鮮豔霓虹色彩繪畫,阿嬤雖然不認識這些角色,但禁不起飽和亮麗的顏色誘惑,請大朋友協助拍下許多精彩的照片!
感謝各位大朋友與弘道的社工們『藝』起陪伴阿嬤們度過美好的藝術之旅~藉由這次【漫遊 Art Taipei】,帶著樂齡接觸當代藝術,讓他們親自感受文藝氣息,我們也從中了解到樂齡的喜好,之後籌備創意藝術療癒工作坊時,也能更貼近他們的心,期待未來可以看見阿嬤大展身手!!!
As we ramp up for our 2024 Art and Creation Empowerment Program, we were excited to be able to bring our friends from Nangang to Art Taipei! This was their first outing to any form of art exhibit and being able to have them see various forms of art and media empowers them with the knowledge and therefore decision making choices.
As we could not source a tour guide that could fulfill not only our wishes of interactivity but accommodate the mobility of older persons, Bright Side Projects decided to take this task under our own wings and headed to the exhibition a few days in advance to prepare a curated unique itinerary. We took into account media forms, color, seating and resting areas, and galleries or art that would be prime for activities such as items sighting or mimicking movements to further engage our older friends.
With an extra spry in their steps, we had to almost hold everyone back! Yayoi Kusama’s signature polka dots and pumpkin drew them in for photos and there was much love expressed for Philip Colbert’s Lobster Man, both artworks vivid colors providing a feast for the eyes. Old Master Q was reinvented into an explosion of curvaceous lines and pop colors, the manhua classic’s poses were on our “mini quest” games and our friends enthusiastically mimicked them for the camera.
They had an amazing time and we are so thankful to Andrew Lee and also i-arts Decor Gallery for their generosity so this day of color was possible. It was an experience for them as well as for us, seeing art and creation as beautiful and interesting through their eyes. We are now better equipped to plan the empowerment program for 2024 – support this program if you can!
We believe that art should be accessible for anyone, regardless of their age or mobility. Everything is possible if we are willing to take the time and have passion – of course we were more than willing to do this and we learned so much about art and obstacles in Taiwan not only older folks face but people with disabilities.
We hope that you can support our older persons empowerment program and also be a vocal supporter to make events and venues accessible for everyone – which benefits all of us in society.
老師 Teacher:Grace Chang
大朋友 Big Friends: Daisy Lin | Tiffany Chang | Ruriku Lee | Cassie Lin | 陳蘊倫 | 簡秀芳 |王佩琳|詹尚程|吳仁華 |Grace Chang
攝影師 Photographer:Daisy Lin
特別感謝: Andrew Lee | iArts Decor
贊助者: 高偉恩 | 詹慶瑜, Elizabeth Ting
定期定額: 楊小慧 | Makoto Hamada