八月份,我們完成了大家最期待的夏令營!嚮光希望能為下一代帶來更光明的未來,幫助孩子培養知識和行動力來成就自已;今年度,我們和 VAST 合作,透過海洋保育和衝浪營來實踐我們的使命!


更多活動照片more images : https://reurl.cc/GKk0dy


我們一大早集合於頭城農場,塗上 Earth Amigo 的天然防曬霜,戴上斗笠,跟著導覽員在鬱鬱蔥蔥的山坡上認識各式各樣的植物和動物,也有機會體驗插秧,手腳踩在泥土裡,接觸大自然,農場員工們的友善讓孩子們在第一站就有難忘的回憶。


下一站前往 費雪奇普仕澳洲炸魚薯條 Vast Fish & Chips 享用美味的午餐,在那裡 阿達 與我們分享 VAST 發起的 #Take5and5 環保行動,也送了防水袋與防曬衣給每位孩子,還特製了墨西哥沙拉捲餅和最熱門的炸魚薯條,滿足大家的胃 ! 

當然是「素」炸魚!由 OmniFoods 贊助的純植魚排和魚柳,炸得恰到好處,孩子都不可置信口中香酥的魚排是純植的,感謝我們的夥伴也支持純植飲食 ~


來自 海邊接力賽 的 Wendy 老師在午餐期間為我們解說淨灘行程,淨灘不只是清運垃圾量的競賽,海洋保育的首要之事是從生活中減少垃圾量,未來也需要定期清理,健康的海洋有益於我們每一位,也關於身邊的一切;雖然天氣限制,我們在短短的 20 分鐘內清理了 155 公的垃圾,成果超乎大家預期!




在過去幾個月,VAST 與嚮光為了同一個目標而努力,能與 VAST 合作是幸運的,他們擁有豐富的活動經驗、共享資源、承諾和熱情,用心投注於 CSR ( 企業社會責任 ),是我們最欣賞的部分。

感謝我們的合作夥伴,也謝謝每位贊助者,讓嚮光堅持信念,我們相信人們是需要關心、愛與體驗,並朝著 SDG 永續發展目標邁進,有您們的支持,我們才有機會與孩子共度美好的暑假。


Bright Side Projects is grateful for all of our partners working with us to create beautiful and nutritious plant-based meals, whether or not if they are a vegan eatery or not. The “fish” this time sponsored by OmniFoods was fried to perfection and even the kids were questioning if they were eating real fish since they knew that we only serve plant-based meals!


What is our relationship with the ocean? Before lunch ended, teacher Wendy from 海邊的接力賽 Race for the Beach went over with us what was next on our itinerary; the beach clean up. Beach clean ups are simply so much  more than a competition of picking up trash and making a show of how much is gathered. Beach clean ups and ocean conservation education should be first and foremost about us reducing our trash and our negative imprint so “clean ups” will no longer be needed in the future. Not only for our experience as swimmers, beach go-ers, or surfing, but having a healthy ocean benefits everyone and everything around us. Due to weather constraints everyone worked fast and within a short span of  20 minutes we hauled away 155KG of pollution away from the waters. 


We know that humans need care, love, and experience. We are so proud not only of our partners and our sponsors for believing in us even with the two year delay and typhoon delays for this camp but the kids coming out of their shells and trying something new – then discovering how amazing they are at it. Some declared this was the best thing they’ve ever done and the most fun in any workshop they’ve experienced. Because of your support kids were able to attend Potato Surf School, you showed them a new world of possibilities and also that they could learn from it.


We started planning our Surf camp over two years ago and was pushed back till 2023 due to COVID, our faith never waivered. Kids also stuck with us and during the camp they not only participated in transplanting rice, being able to substitute a meal with a compassionate one that was just as delicious, clean the beach for themselves and all other living creatures, and also through surfing experienced two more activities Mother Nature provides – torrential weather and ocean waves!

We cannot thank VAST enough for their support and sponsorship of this camp. More than their solid knowledge and sharing of resources, was their commitment and passion in working with us through the past few months in the same goal. In the past ten years of Bright Side Projects, we have not partnered with people who stressed more on social responsibility aspect of the CSR than they have – and they continue to do good work weekly without looking for exposure.

We look forward to hosting this surf camp and ocean conservation experience for our youth on an annual basis! But next year we will let someone with a bit more of a sunny/clear weather luck select the dates! 

Main Sponsor: VAST 三原有限公司

大朋友 Big Friends:呂文琪 | 鄭智瀚 | 吳婕瑜 | Edie Tsai | Ruriko Lee | 張雅涵 | Daisy Lin  | 張婷雯  | Sarah Perry 

海洋保育老師 Teacher:Wendy Chiang (海邊的接力賽 Race for the Beach)

攝影師 Photographer/Videographer:Tony Chen 陳啟宏 | 陳建青

特別感謝: Vast 林志達 | 楊博宇 | OmniFoods Zoe & Phil|Earth Amigo 阿米購|頭城農場 | Summer Lin & Jam Hsiao | F45大安+內湖 | 蕃薯衝浪

#中餐 費雪奇普仕澳洲炸魚薯條 Vast Fish & Chips 

#MOUNTAIN  頭城農場|

#OCEAN  海邊的接力賽 Race for the Beach

#防曬油 Earth Amigo 阿米購

贊助者 Surf Sponsors:Vast 三原有限公司 | 王*喻 |無名|戴承正|王琪|MimiY|Sofina希塔療癒|康*瑋|Runivore Tom|林夏天|蔡庭家|吳芳婷|連*祺|鄭又綺|Swelleye 台灣哪衝浪有限公司