無論參加人數有多少,嚮光和大朋友們都會盡力為孩子創造的工作坊,這次在清泉的「歲末草莓大福 DIY 製造幸福工作坊」是 2022 年冬季活動的最後一場。
更多活動照片 more images : https://tinyurl.com/38cywsru
工作坊當天,孩子的同學們剛好在排練合唱團,他們先製作了一大批 30 顆的水果大福給同學,午餐後,又再製作了給自己和家人的份。
Having fun makes the act of learning so much more enjoyable, especially when you’re creating something delicious together!
Regardless of the number of participants, Bright Side and our Big friends always give our full effort into the creation of unique and hopefully, delicious workshops for our kids. This time we finished off our 2022 year end fresh fruit daifuku workshops with the kids in ChingChuan with the last strawberries of the winter season!
What was unexpected this time was that delicious creations not only taught them a little bit about culture but also turned out fall under our “Kids in the Kitchen” series! Kids in the Kitchen empowers kids by having them cook free plant-based meals to share with others in their community.
Since many of their classmates were rehearsing for choir practice (we actually had a few of our kids run away to join us), the kids were assigned to first make a huge batch of 30 daifuku to share with their classmates. They made daifuku for themselves and to gift to their families after lunch.
They reveled in the task and became even more adept at making gorgeous daifuku than our teachers! They were so excited and proud to be able to carry the beautiful green, pink, and white daifuku over the suspension bridge in the rain to Taoshan Elementary School and share this afternoon treat with everyone, that we hope to be able to host it regularly this year, after the COVID had delayed this program for nearly two years.
Something else that brought great joy to us was the first time participation from one of the kids we had seen around for the past four years. On his first workshop, he learned fast becoming one of our most hardworking daifuku “confectioners” From pounding the sticky mochi to rolling the fruits in with grace, he was also able to have his uncle open the gate for us and introduced his to his grandfather who was selling their family’s organic self grown cabbages. Our Big Friends came away from the rainy day with not only sweets in our tummies, new friends, and a full day of love and a few more wrinkles from the smiles and laughter shared.
We hope you can join us in meeting the kids next time! Many were upset they had to miss out in making this delicious treat and we know you will definitely love making daifuku and also making lifelong friends that have a positive impact on each other!
老師 Teacher:陳瑀彤 Coya Chen
大朋友 Big Friends:鄭巧郁 | Daisy Lin | Elizabeth Ting | Ruriko Lee
攝影師 Photographer:Daisy Lin
特別感謝 Thank you:桃山國小 林育宏老師
贊助者 Sponsors:
Global Giving Riot Games | CHAO 炒炒新亞洲蔬食 | 台東政府112年公益彩券 | 樹林企業股份有限公司 | H*********哲 | Anon| 賴*玲 | Mila Young | 王映文 | 捷式股份有限公司 | 楊*慧 | 離線來尬聊 | Renee Chan | H********樹| Organic B 有機比比 | Little Wonders 親子概念店 | 許*琇 | 施宇*/施軒* | 連* | 陳力嘉| T*********a| H*******羲 | 古*升 | 柳*辰 | 黃*發 | 匿名 | H*******y | 李*庭 | 黃******y | Earth Amigo | 陳**琦 | 老爹蔬食 X 拾叁珈琲 | F45 Daan & Neihu | Anon | Terance Chen | Ooh Cha Cha | BaganHood 蔬食餐酒館 | 陳雨軒 | 江山藝改所 Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo | Nuttea 堅果奶飲 復興 | 新築窟Hsinchuku | 仁里居商號 | Plants | 零居 Zero living | 心雕居 | 第三空間 Seedsaw Studio | 芳草巷懿芳素食工坊 | Veganday Cuisine | Ooh Cha Cha | VegFarm 無國界蔬食餐廳 | 半半食室 Vegan Daily | Uncle Q | CHAO 炒炒新亞洲蔬食 | 穗科手打烏龍麵 | 蔬漫小姐 Miss Shu maan. House | Nice Cream
#定期定額 MonthlyAnon | HSIA YI WEI | Joanne | YuRi’s蔬食日嚐 | 劉依融 | 吳一帆 | 吳則葦 | 呂靜佩 | 張璲麟 | 張芷翎 | 探索天下有限公司 | 朱敏道 | 李承龍 | 李甯潔 | 林孝旭 | 梁秀珊 | 楊涵淇 | 江炳彰 | 洪嘉珍 | 洪湘綾 | 王俊凱 | 莊仁生 | 葉盈蘭 | 鄭鉑翰 | 陳佳妤 | 陳修平 | 陳冠如 | 陳冠霖 | 陳婕瑀 | 陳建樺 | 陳彥彰 | 陳怡珊 | 陳惠榮 | 陳柏霖 | 陳煜鈞 | 陳耀祺 | 高大仁 | 黃靖媁 | 陳臻怡 | | 賴曉沛 | 黃*芳 | 陳姿辰 | 凱羚林 | 張*君 | 盧家琪 | 林靜怡 | 覺心文化有限公司 | WorldVegan | 施姵甫 | 希塔療癒Sofina | 吳雨柔 | 黃*菊 | 蔡孟潔 | 鍾*祝 | 鐘士凱 | 可艾事業有限公司 | 林宜蓁 | 張加油 | 范宇璇 | Kimi & J | 王*宇 | 林小風 | 許海晨 | Jimmy Peng | 郭明進 | 江佳穎 | 蕭靜儀 | 陳修平| 孫善緯 | 陳*淵 | 孫婉菱| 李政翰 | 王琪 | Andy Hsia | Makoto Hamada | 柯*慧 | Jou | 藍*芬 | 劉依融 | 張*慈 | L*********g | … | 梁朝陽 | 張嘉耘 | 徐心怡 | 宋曉君 | 林佩如