這些天然植物染的創作美的令人驚嘆! 在我們的第一堂天然紮染工作坊中,我們和 ཨོཾ 萬物生染 波伊老師 度過了美好的時光,這堂課還是樂齡朋友特別許願的。我們四處尋找適合的活動老師,幸運地找到如此友善、有才華、對創作充滿愛與熱情的指導者,很樂於和我們分享他的染色技巧。
然後我們向樂齡展示特殊的折布方法,如何浸漬才能讓顏色滲透,才能完成一件成功的藝術作品;爺爺們高興地接受這個任務,而我們的大朋友志工也會適時給予幫忙。每一次打開成果都令人充滿驚奇,每一張都是獨一無二的作品,每個人臉上都露出了笑容!感謝樂齡朋友、社工 尚程 和嚮光大朋友,當然,也很感謝這次的 波伊老師,百忙之中抽空準備這個工作坊。
另外,感謝 又又 介紹給我們如此優秀的老師,期待未來舉行更多樂齡課程!

These natural dye masterpieces are absolutely stunning! We had such an amazing time with our lifesaver teacher Poyi, from Om Ten Thousand Things Dye, in our first ever natural dye workshop, one of the courses specifically requested by our older friends.
We scoured high and low to find an instructor and were fortunate to find someone so kind and talented, filled with love and passion for the creations, that was willing to share their skills with us. With the dyes sourced from Japan, we began the day on the basic background and letting everyone touch, smell, and sometimes even taste the original ingredients of onion peels and tree barks.
We then began with showing a unique folding method and how to dip and let the colors seep through for a successful art piece. The grandpas took to the task with joy and we also had some Big Friends around who assisted if hand coordination or strength was required. Each unfolding and revealing of the final artwork was amazing – you could see the smiles light up on everyone’s faces! Thank you to our older friends and social worker Wade, thank you to our Big Friend volunteers and of course, especially our teacher Poyi for making time for us even with her big exhibition around the corner to prepare for.
Thank you also to Starry for introducing us to our teacher. We look forward to more workshops in 2023 with our older friends!
老師: ཨོཾ 萬物生染 波伊老師
大朋友:Iris Peng 彭詩婷 | Sara Chien 簡秀芳 | Da Lun | Eddie Wang 王崧博 | Daisy Lin
特別感謝:弘道 尚程社工 | ཨོཾ 萬物生染 波伊老師 | 又又
贊助者 Sponsors:Elizabeth Ting | 弘道老人福利基金會 | Makoto Hamada