





老師 Teacher:王萬沂,李瓊碟,林霱
攝影師Photographer:Daisy Lin | 周純卉

大朋友Big Friends:張瓊云,鄭如棻,賴翊庭,蔡育如,杜承翰,龐愛文

贊助者 Sponsors:Julie Shih | 歐寶惠 | 李文馨 | Sarah Milne | Jet Sunny 捷式股份有限公司 | 黃素月 | Plants Lily Lin | 林士軒 | 黃嘉華 | 謝旻璟 | Kelly Lin | 蕭敬騰 | James Chen | Anonymous Marathoner | Stephen Suen | 私立育才國民小學 Kevin Dam

感謝Thank you:
財團法人苗栗縣私立幼安教養院 ,走探索去藝術實驗教室, Mr. One Cajon, oliva.林霱


After the rousing response in January when we brought musicians to MiaoLi YuAn Children’s Home, we couldn’t wait to bring Mr. Cajon and his unique percussion combined with the fantastic art teacher Milla and introduce them to the residents.

Milla is a master of interacting with children, from body and movement, expression through art, and art therapy. She led the children on movement by interpreting animals such as a crocodile, snakes, tigers, and more! Mr. Cajon brought on the basic beats of his instrument paired with the angelic voice of Olivia who joined us for the first time.

We were very happy that we had so many new friends join our journey to MiaoLi as we are always short of volunteers here. We hope that many more can join us and meet the residents, both young and senior, have no reservations about meeting folks with disabilities as we are all the same and just enjoy having a great time together!