Today was an eye-opener for us; we have always wanted to learn more about the culture of the kids and were so keen to not only lead a quick course on how death is honored in various cultures, but hear the indigenous Amis kids take on it within their own practices. Please scroll below for English!
這次不僅墨西個鬼節的骷顱頭餅乾,還一併為台東的孩子帶來萬聖節的特效化妝!我們用簡單的器具,帶了上次特效化妝老師給的素材,當中包括一瓶老師特調的假血漿,準備讓孩子們好好妝扮。首先由 April 老師教大家基本的上色順序,黏上像皮膚的黏土後,用眼影跟口紅做出黑青的效果,最後,用逼真的血畫龍點睛,就完成啦!逼真的傷口,讓大家嘻鬧的很開心。
老師 Teacher: April Chen
攝影師 Photographer:Daisy Lin | Jessica Yang
原住民族委員會推展原住民教育文化補助 | 社團法人台灣公益服務協會|陳思穎|舞茶茶有限公司|Austin S. Lin|龔薇之|陳杰妤|台灣味|鄭安婕|Kim Chou |林奕希|林彤珊|Sarah Milne|陳盈如 |捷式股份有限公司|洪于婷|吉峰廣告工程有限公司| 台灣跑山獸有限公 | 傢式國際股份有限公司 | 台中福華大飯 | Lulu Chandler
特別感謝 Special Thanks:
郭慈幼, 臺東市新馬蘭復基fukid部落
It was yet another learning experience for us as we listened to the children and only hope more courses can be like this in the future. In keeping along with the theme of the Day of Dead, kids were shown some of the symbols and sketched their life-size skulls. We also experimented as a group creating Mexican street corn for lunch, the vegan mayo we had prepped before.
After enjoying our early dinner, we brought another element to our workshop this time. With teacher Mandy Chin, we had so much fun with special effects makeup for Halloween we wanted to continue to spread the “scare” although it was already the middle of November. The kids picked it up quickly and had a ton of fun in the “witching hour” – in 2019 we want to expand the full course of special effects makeup along with horror movies, media effects, and fake news – thank you for your support and hope you can join us!