Bright Side Projects Overview

Bright Side Projects creates a comprehensive support system dedicated to long term improvement in the lives of children, older persons, and families in Taiwan through creative education, plant-based foods, and eco-friendly content rich activities. Our target currently include youth and older persons in indigenous regions, sheltersm and children’s homes. Our goals are achieved through four main actions:

PArticipatory Creative Education (PACE) goes beyond traditional forms of education by combining participation and creative arts as part of the socialization and learning process. Through teamwork, PACE workshops have the ability to introduce social issues and other educational subjects in a fun, interactive, and engaging way while aiding in learning retention for youth and providing a platform for older adults or socially marginalized individuals to engage in their communities. Workshops include art therapy, plant-based cooking, metal smith, wood craft, animal welfare, photography, and more.

Workshops helps Bright Side Projects obtain insight and build organic relationships and trust with individuals and community.

Brighter Futures
Targets teens and young adults by extending a lifeline support to our Bright Side Youth. We empower them  through our customized vocational education program and work with partners to provide them with life skills, practical learning opportunities, and hands-on experiences. We also become a trusted source accompanying them to job interviews, school interviews, and providing other forms of support.

Full Hearts Fulfillment Program
Bright Side Project’s plant-based food fulfillment program empowering underserved communities through food distribution and engaging youths to cook and share plant-based meals with their neighbors. We work with local organic farmers and eateries to provide delivery of basic food staples to families and host bimonthly plant-based meal prep sessions featuring Kids in the Kitchen.  Kids in the Kitchen empowers kids by having them cook free plant-base meals to share with others in their community.

Big Friend Volunteers and Internships
Promotes community involvement through education, hands on volunteerism, and internship opportunities.



1 創意教育培力課程
臺灣嚮光協會所舉辦的創意教育培力課程(PArticipartory Creative Education ; PACE) (為一日或半日的計畫)透過將實作參與及創意教育結合作為社會化以及學習的過程,以此超越了傳統的教育形式。藉由團隊合作,嚮光的創意教育課程以有趣的互動式教學介紹社會議題及其他教育性質的主題,同時也有助於青少年保持學習動力,並提供一個讓長者及處於社會邊緣的人們能夠與社群互動的平台。課程內容包含動保、藝術療癒、金工、木工、ZUMBA、攝影等等。


2 遠景計畫 為將支持系統延伸至嚮光青年的實體計畫。透過量身打造的職業教育計畫培力嚮光青年,並與職能夥伴合作,提供青年們生活技能訓練及實務學習機會。嚮光也成為可信來源,陪伴青年前往工作面試、學校面試,或是提供其他形式的支持。

3 心滿意足計畫 是嚮光協會的全植食物分享計畫,為了服務資源較少的社區,不僅提供全植物性糧食及民生必需品,亦與孩子一同學習全植物飲食的烹飪,邀請所有在地居民共食。透過蔬食餐點的共享,培力在地參與、凝聚社區力量。「作伙呷菜」子計畫培力孩子們共煮一頓全植餐點,並邀請社群的鄰居朋友前來共享。

4 大朋友志工培訓及實習機會 透過教育,志工參與及實習機會促進社區參與。

Bright Side Projects Overview

Bright Side Projects creates a comprehensive support system dedicated to long term improvement in the lives of children, older persons, and families in Taiwan through creative education, plant-based foods, and eco-friendly content rich activities. Our target currently include youth and older persons in indigenous regions, sheltersm and children’s homes. Our goals are achieved through four main actions:

PArticipatory Creative Education (PACE) goes beyond traditional forms of education by combining participation and creative arts as part of the socialization and learning process. Through teamwork, PACE workshops have the ability to introduce social issues and other educational subjects in a fun, interactive, and engaging way while aiding in learning retention for youth and providing a platform for older adults or socially marginalized individuals to engage in their communities. Workshops include art therapy, plant-based cooking, metal smith, wood craft, animal welfare, photography, and more.

Workshops helps Bright Side Projects obtain insight and build organic relationships and trust with individuals and community.

Brighter Futures
Targets teens and young adults by extending a lifeline support to our Bright Side Youth. We empower them  through our customized vocational education program and work with partners to provide them with life skills, practical learning opportunities, and hands-on experiences. We also become a trusted source accompanying them to job interviews, school interviews, and providing other forms of support.

Full Hearts Fulfillment Program
Bright Side Project’s plant-based food fulfillment program empowering underserved communities through food distribution and engaging youths to cook and share plant-based meals with their neighbors. We work with local organic farmers and eateries to provide delivery of basic food staples to families and host bimonthly plant-based meal prep sessions featuring Kids in the Kitchen.  Kids in the Kitchen empowers kids by having them cook free plant-base meals to share with others in their community.

Big Friend Volunteers and Internships
Promotes community involvement through education, hands on volunteerism, and internship opportunities.

【活動報告】:2024/11/23 (苗栗) 2024 暖心歲末,「藝」起畫動物工作坊

這個歲末,嚮光將舉辦一系列關於愛與祝福的工作坊,透過藝術,一起傳遞對動物的關懷! 我們與苗栗的夥伴們一起認識了新朋友——可愛的倉鼠,了解牠們的生活習性及相處方式,首次嘗試以壓克力媒材進行創作,培養專注力與協調性。大家生動地描繪出心中的「鼠鼠」模樣。 ►更多活動照片 More images:



【活動報告】:2024/10/27(清泉)萬眾矚目 Eye Scream


【活動報告】:2024/10/19(萬華)嚮食萬聖工作坊 Hell-o-ween Workshop

今天我們與孩子們共度了一個充滿創意與驚喜的萬聖節主題活動!在輕鬆愉快的氛圍中,孩子們透過食物與遊戲學習激發了想像力與手作能力。 ►更多活動照片 More images: 我們先為孩子們介紹萬聖節的歷史與文化背景,接著便進入了大家翹首以盼的料理環節。孩子們化身為小廚師,製作純植萬聖節主題餐點。從水果沙拉、眼球蘇打,到番茄新豬肉義大利麵、眼球新豬肉球,以及紅絲絨骷髏頭蛋糕,每一道料理都充滿了萬聖節的創意色彩!...


嚮光與苗栗夥伴們在「植物彩繪工作坊」共度愉快的藝術療癒時光。 我們一起探索了葉子的世界,學習彩繪技巧與顏色搭配,同時也培養手眼協調能力。在輕鬆愉悅的氛圍中學習新事物! ►更多活動照片 More images: 課程開始時,我們與夥伴介紹今日課程所使用的葉片,讓夥伴們藉由圖片來激發創意聯想。有的夥伴在耳邊用手比出鹿角的形狀,還有人高舉雙手比出大大的「五」,展示手掌像其中一種葉子,場面非常有趣!...

【活動報告】:2024/09/06(南港 )彩繪改造計畫-迷你我工作坊

2024南港樂齡藝術與創意培力計畫完成今年度的活動啦!此計畫旨在激發樂齡的創造力,利用藝術作為療癒工具和溝通媒介,並預計將樂齡的作品展示於南港據點,讓他們與這個日常生活空間建立更強烈的情感聯繫。 十年前,我們與藝術家蓉蓉在「BUILD A HOME 改造空間計畫」相遇,十年後的今天,蓉蓉依然在藝術領域中發光,我們特別邀請蓉蓉回來帶領「迷你我 mini me」工作坊,她透過創新的形式引導南港樂齡創造出屬於自己的自畫像。 更多活動照片 More images: 系列一 :系列二 :...

[活動報告]:2024/09/05 (萬華) 作伙呷菜:彩虹剉冰開學涼一夏

還記得8月24日和25日,嚮光受邀參加VAST舉辦的「想淨辦法 永續市集」嗎?在市集中,我們的彩虹冰獲得熱烈的迴響,嚮光決定將這份甜蜜與暖心晚餐帶到我們的萬華據點,透過「作伙呷菜」的概念,與孩子及社區朋友們一同享用! ►更多活動照片 More images: 「作伙呷菜」是嚮光心滿意足計畫的一部分,這個計畫就像是一個成長中的流動廚房,為資源相對較少的社區帶來免費且健康的全植餐點。 在這個夏末開學之際,嚮光延續暑假VAST舉辦的「想淨辦法...

[活動報告]:2024/08/03 (清泉) 小小科學家:火山歷險記

睽違10年,嚮光「小火山歷險記」又來到清泉了!與孩子們一起製作小火山,利用簡單的科學實驗,結合藝術創意與地理常識,讓孩子們體驗火山噴發的過程。 ►更多活動照片 More images: 製作火山前,我們跟孩子介紹火山的小常識:火山的基本原理和台灣的火山分佈。通過簡單生動的講解,孩子了解到火山的形成過程、不同類型的火山。同時猜一猜台灣火山的分布「陽明山!」孩子大聲自信地回答著~...

[活動報告]:2024/08/16(南港)2024 BUILD A HOME 彩繪改造計畫-塗鴉工作坊

2024南港樂齡藝術與創意培力計畫完成第八場活動啦!此計畫旨在激發樂齡的創造力,利用藝術作為療癒工具和溝通媒介,並預計將樂齡的作品展示於南港據點,讓他們與這個日常生活空間建立更強烈的情感聯繫。今天嚮光與知名塗鴉藝術家Colasa帶給南港樂齡一連串的噴漆、塗鴉藝術課程,並妝點、美化南港據點! 更多活動照片 More images: 系列一 :系列二 :

[活動報告]:2024/08/24-2024/08/25(圓山花博)VAST 想淨辦法 永續市集 x 嚮光

很榮幸這次受到 VAST 邀請,參與以符合 #SDGs 精神的 #永續市集 為主軸的「想淨辦法x永續市集」,一起對「環境保護」及「永續生活」盡一份心力。 ►更多活動照片 More images: 一直以來,VAST利用衝浪文化倡導環保意識,也希望透過各種方式傳達愛護大自然的重要性;嚮光則透過植物性飲食和創意課程改善生活並保護環境。...