贊助我們,實現夢想 Sponsor Dreams


By sponsoring a dream in the Neighborhood, it brings us closer to knowing our targeted communities. Dreams will be realized and brought to life. In a little over a year, we have hosted almost thirty workshops and events in Hsinchu, Tainan, Taoyuan, and Taipei. Two larger scale gift and necessities deliveries in the Christmases of 2012 and 2013 to households who would benefit most. Reaching over 100 children and getting almost 600 people involved in the process. This has mainly been an effort where we push through funding activity to activity. Even when there is not enough budget and our numbers are in the red, we persevere because it’s worth it. With proper funding there is so much more we can and want to do.

We are appreciative of donations both big and small. Even 300NT ($10 USD) a month can make a big difference – everyone in the Neighborhood benefits when we work together. Please scroll below.

若能有足夠的資金,我們便能夠完成更多想做的事情。 無論金額多寡,我們都感激您的贊助。即使是一個月300NT也可以帶來極大的改變,讓所有人共同受益。以下為贊助捐款之用途:

Courtesy Ken Wang

Courtesy Ken Wang



郵政劃撥帳號: 50315811
(戶名) 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
地址:新北市新店區中央路232號; 郵遞區號 23150


銀行代號 012
帳號: 4901 0202 2421
(戶名) 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會
地址: 台北市大安區仁愛路四段389號

國外捐款方式 (貝寶(Paypal )或銀行轉帳)

Courtesy 蘇嘉琦

Courtesy 蘇嘉琦


捐款贊助需要收據的朋友(僅限臺灣地區),請捐款人務必提前告知。留下姓名,地址,轉帳最後5號。有任何問題,歡迎寄信至 brightside.tw @gmail.com與我們聯繫。臺灣嚮光協會致力於創造平等機會及多元發展的可能,誠摯感謝慷慨奉獻的每個人。

1) Workshop essentials course materials
2) Subsidizing transportation & accommodations
3) Nutritious, healthy vegetarian meals for our Kitchen Table
4) Jumpstart our Face of the Youth mentorship program
5) All that furthers our mission

or via Bank Transfer)
Please note that only local (Taiwanese) donations are tax-deductible. If you wish for your local donation to be deductible you must contact me prior to obtain the correct bank details and please include your full name, mailing address, phone number, and the last five digits of the transferring bank account.

Brightside 清泉_010414_021 copy

Courtesy Jon Burke

Domestic Taiwan Transfer:

Post Office GIRO Account: 50315811
A/C Name:

ATM/Online Transfer/Wire from Abroad:

PayPal: BrightSide.tw@gmail.com

Bank Name: Fubon Bank
Bank Code
: 012
Account: 4901 0202 2421
Swift Code: TPBKTWTP
Address: 389 RenAi Road, Section 4. Taipei City, DaAn District
A/C Name: 社團法人臺灣嚮光協會

We welcome individuals, companies, organizations, and groups for donations. Our need to expand our creative thoughts and workshops comes with a need to fill the gaps so we can have an even larger impact and get more people involved in their communities!

We thank everyone who has generously contributed. Do also note that we are an Equal Opportunity and Diversity organization.