A shortlist of our volunteers for the workshops in Winter of 2012 and the entire 2013. Non exclusive of all the other support from dozens of others out there. Not only did most Big Kids volunteer their time, but many of these volunteers (such as Angela Lin) also donated funds in addition to kickstart the courses, so all are both benefactors and helping hands! Superstars for having the belief in the once murky vision of Bright Side! Please contact me if you are interested in getting involved and able to assist for 2014, we have some great projects and dreams lined up!
If missing any credits or if anyone who has been a part of our Neighborhood would like to submit their bio for our page, email me!
2013 Benefactors |
Yuting Hung |
王常彪 Greg Wang |
Tara Laing |
Santa Jia-Xin’s Supporters |
Angela Lin |
Scott Hsu |
Jeanette Zoumpouliaris |
Carol Lin |
Michelle Lin |
Michael Turton |
Jenna Cody |
Chieni McCullough |
Karen Hwang |
Chia Ping Yang | ||||
2013 Teachers |
Ripper Tsou |
Michelle Lin |
Carol Lin |
Fish Hsieh |
Beryl Chang |
Sunteck Yao |
James Teng |
Ichi Lin |
Clint Siu |
Yifan Chen |
Snow Tsao |
牛俊強 Nat Niu |
2013 Kitchen Table |
Fresh Bakery & Café |
Finn Cunningham |
Duchess Kitchen |
2013 Bright Side Core Photographers |
Jon Burke 白炯涵 |
鄭又綺 |
蘇嘉琦 |
James Teng |
2013 Big Kids |
李惠雯 Vivian |
鄭又綺 |
Rita Yeh |
Jon Burke 白炯涵 |
袁筱晴 Kaye Yuan |
蘇嘉琦 |
郭先楷 Josh Kuo |
James Teng |
楊智傑 Jeff Yang |
Paula Perry |
Snow Tsao |
Sarah Milne |
Sara Chien |
Sophie Chang |
Angela Lin |
Adan Wu |
Mimi Chen |
林敬翔 Tristan Lin |
Penny Wang |
Vivi Lee |
Gaspard Shih |
姜重伊 Jiang Chong Yi |
張鶴耀 Alvin Chang |
李培榕 |
Amy Wang |
Cashy Ko |
Julie Shih |
Joshua Tsao |
Sarah Perry |
Dee Burke |
Joseph Colby |
黃信傑 Firat |
Melissa Lee |
RV Lai |
江志康 |
張乃文 |
阿里斯 |
藍元蔚 |
Penny Chen |
Tiby Lee |
陳威 |
Cindy Lin |
Kate Tang |
Tako Zhang |
Abby Hsiao |
朱君偉 |
Helen Lee |
Matt Bissett |
簡嘉彣(Queena) |
Kaiting Lin |
2013 Communities, NGOS, NPOs |
桃山國小 TauShan Elementary School |
清泉天主堂 ChingChuan Catholic Church |
台南青山國小 Tainan Chingshan Elementary School |
桃山小年文化中心 Taushan Youth Cultural Center |
婦女救援基金會 Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation |
桃園縣私立睦祥育幼院 MuHsiang Pre-School |
堡嶺慈善公益信託基金 Castle Hill Charity Foundation |
國際特赦組織 Amnesty International Kids Group |
關愛之家 Harmony Home |
Good360 |
五峰計劃 The Wufeng Project |
臺灣動物協會 Animals Taiwan | ||||
南島民族文化 Austronesian Cultural and Economic Cooperation Association (ACECA) |
南洋臺灣姊妹會 TransAsia Sisters Association (TASAT) |
Chieni McCullough |
Jia-Xin Rosenberg |
Jeanette Zoumpouliaris |
Michelle Lin |
張育銘 |
Carol Lin |
Generous Donor Anonymous |
林敬祥 |
Ripper Tsou |
Ichi Lin |
James Teng |
Paula Perry |
YunPei Hsiung |
覃康寧 |
Jon Burke 白炯涵 |
Chieni McCullough |
Sophie Chang |
Gabe Webster |
Rita Yeh |
Angela Lin |
Anja Webster |
蘇嘉琦 |
Reiya Webster |
鄭又綺 |
李敏瑜 Tiby |
Dee Burke |
李惠雯 Vivian |
李國愷 Harry |
藍元蔚 |
Sarah Perry |
August Jerome Armbrister |
Sarah Milne |
黃信傑 Firat |
靠悲 |
Joey Liu |
何欣穎 |