街坊人物專訪| 詹雯媓


Daisy: 你是在何時、如何得知嚮光協會?為什麼想成為嚮光實習生?
J: 2019年夏末興起參與公益組織的念頭,並期勉能投入一段時間。我希望這個組織的耕耘方向是促進不分種族性別宗教物種的平等、愛惜與感恩這片我們所依賴的大地的無私,在尋找的過程中並嘗試加入了植物性飲食的條件,第一個映入眼簾的答案便是嚮光協會。稍加閱覽了嚮光多年來所努力的目標與成果後,我深深地感受到嚮光的願景就是心目中理想未來世界的樣貌,於是二話不說馬上接洽了嚮光。

D: 你覺得嚮光與其他組織有何不同之處?或是嚮光在做的事與其他組織有區別,這有什麼重要的意義?
J: 嚮光非常注重孩子的自主權、發語權,鼓勵孩子們自行著手完成任務,從中培養自信的與人格正面定向,及早為生涯打下堅實的心智基底。透過各類互動性——包含藝術性或音樂舞蹈性的——與反問式教學來建立深刻的學習印象,課程也著重身心理的安全知識、消費與媒體等物質上的正確觀念,並提倡環保愛物惜物、動物友善,提供全方面營養的植物性飲食,讓孩子們了解慈悲與愛的生活方式其實並不難。我想在臺灣能夠囊括這樣廣袤面向的兒少福祉組織,嚮光協會應是唯一且最具代表的了。



D: 是否有因為實習或與孩子互動,改變你未來處理問題或與孩子相處的方式?

D: 實際在培力營與孩子面對面後,在辦公室的實習的時候心裡是否有不同的轉變呢?

D: 你對孩子們有什麼期望,或是你能夠做什麼?



Joe was one of our first interns in 2019 and has been an integral to our success the past few months. With Joe as part of our team, unselfishly putting in 3 days a week for over 3 months all with passion and a ton of love on everything she does, we have been able to achieve so much with our kids in providing them support, love, and a chance at a brighter future.

Daisy: When did you decide to join Bright Side Projects? What made you interested in becoming an intern?
J: In the late summer of 2019, I was considering a long term stint in a non-profit organization and was hoping to find out that coincided with my beliefs. My wishlist was for an organization that promoted equality, love, and gratitude regardless of one’s race, gender, religion, and species. In the process of researching I also added veganism as one of my requirements and the first result I came across was Bright Side Projects. After more research about their goals and achievements over the years, I felt deeply that Bright Side’s vision for the future correlated with what the ideal world should look like in my mind so I contacted them immediately.

D: What do you think are unique characteristics to Bright Side Projects from other organizations?
J: Bright Side took children’s right for decision-making and freedom of speech very seriously, encouraging them to  complete tasks on their own, cultivating a personality imbued with self-confidence paired with a positive mindset, thereby laying a solid mental foundation for children’s lives at an early age.   The curriculum also focuses on well being in mind and body, analyzes consumerism, media effects and consumption, promotes environmental protection with actionable steps, animal welfare, and accessible nutritional plant.based meals makes it easy for children to understand and integrate compassion and love into their daily lives. I believe Bright Side Projects is the only child welfare organization in Taiwan that seamlessly incorporates such a wide range of topics in its lessons.


D. Any memorable moments in the workshops with the children?
J:There are three things that really have an impact on me! First the way a child’s eyes light up when they finish a task, you can see the sense of pride and accomplishment in their eyes. Second, every time children reports back on what they gained from the workshop or complete the goal at hand, you can visibly see their increased learning ability and critical thinking. Lastly, the expression of joy and the beaming smile on their faces after prepping and cooking, are able to eat the meals that they made for themselves and others. 

I almost forgot – in just my second time meeting the children, they were able to call out my name! I felt embarrassed myself that I had not memorized everyone’s name yet!

D. Has this internship or moments in interacting with children through Bright Side Projects brought about any changes in how you approach issues/kids in the future?
J:I actually didn’t know how to interact with children, probably because there are not many of them around my daily life. Through participating in BSP’s activities by planning and volunteering as a Big Friend, I slowly grasped how to engage with kids. The most important lesson  “break free from the burden and conventional rules established by society” to learning from the children themselves how to look at the world with a more open mind. This was a natural transformation process. In facing matters, sometimes we are too serious or complicate things but forget how powerful we can be if we are true to ourselves.

D: How has it been working in the office as an intern and being able to tie that in with the importance of the work Bright Side does with the children when you see their faces?
J: I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to join in events as a Big Friend to get to know the kids. By being able to interact with them, emotional bonds were formed with lasting friendships and memories. At the beginning of my internship before I met the kids, the lessons and presentations I assisted in preparing for the workshops that were more focused on my perspective but after being with kids, began to understand how to more effectively communicate with them and also how to highlight things that may capture their attention so they would be more interested to learn. Re-learning this connection and understanding is so important, positive, and inspirational, really driving home the importance of the Bright Side Project’s mission. I feel that this should be an integral part of any organization’s or corporation’s goal.

D: What are your hopes for the children or what you can do?
I really wish the kids now and in the future can learn and complete different tasks with enthusiasm and excitement. Through this learning process I hope they also gradually break out of the reins of authority and inequality, fully develop self-confidence and love for themselves and others. When I volunteer I am wholeheartedly devoted and try to participate in various design projects even when I’m not volunteering. I also want to explore ways to build a more inclusive society and instill this into my daily life.

Join us as an intern do come get to know us and kids in person!


詹雯媓 Joe Chan

詹雯媓 Joe Chan

Intern 實習生


Joe is a vegan, enjoys design, potted plants, and loves all types of animals with a penchant for birds. Recently they have become more in tune with the environment and nature and hope to share the beauty and calmness to connect more people with it, spreading love and peace into society.

「拳」神貫注 — 跨越挑戰,發現無限可能

「拳」神貫注 — 跨越挑戰,發現無限可能

https://youtu.be/Czvt79HfQzw 我們與拳擊教練Andre合作已將近十次,每一次的活動都充滿了學習與成長的機會。 一樣是拳擊課程,但每一次的課程進行方式都各具特色,充滿了不同的學習和挑戰。除了拳擊運動,我們也帶著孩子們探索巴西飲食文化,讓他們對世界有了更廣闊的視野。同時,我們也帶孩子們參訪UFC,拓展他們對未來職涯的探索與發展。...

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【活動報告】:(南港樂齡)One Art Taipei  藝起看展

【活動報告】:(南港樂齡)One Art Taipei  藝起看展

2025 年初,嚮光再次帶領南港的樂齡朋友們進入藝術的世界,開啟了新一年的美好序幕。 ⭐「樂齡培力計劃」:https://brightside.tw/older-persons-empowerment⭐ 更多活動照片: https://shorturl.at/OnagN 活動當天,我們來到了台北指標性的飯店藝術博覽會——「One Art...

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在充滿溫暖與關愛的歲末時刻,嚮光帶領孩子們透過藝術創作,學習關心毛小孩與環境,共同為流浪與老年動物發聲。本次活動與「桃園市老毛秀秀同伴動物照護協會」合作,為孩子們帶來溫馨的學習與創作體驗。 ⭐️ 「藝術,讓愛發聲」系列課程: https://shorturl.at/cPk8p⭐️ 更多活動照片:https://shorturl.at/0J9pP  活動一開始,我們特別邀請大朋友Joyce的老狗狗Vic先來到現場,為孩子們的創作增添靈感。Vic可愛的模樣和溫柔的陪伴,帶領大家進入藝術創作的氛圍,也為作品背景添加了不可思議的色彩。...

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【活動報告】:2024/12/15 「聖誕佳欣」用愛包裝,讓溫暖傳遞 x 喜鵲娛樂

【活動報告】:2024/12/15 「聖誕佳欣」用愛包裝,讓溫暖傳遞 x 喜鵲娛樂

能夠將愛與快樂傳遞給他人,無疑是人生中最大的喜悅。能遇見蕭敬騰和Summer,這對充滿愛心與信念的夫妻,對我們而言無比榮幸! ⭐ 影片: https://shorturl.at/8108k ⭐ 更多照片:https://shorturl.at/9LKdR 他們不僅支持了台東新馬蘭部落及竹東清泉部落的孩子們聖誕禮物和歲末工作坊,蕭敬騰 和 Summer 與整個 喜鵲娛樂團隊更親自動手包裝了近 300 份禮物,將這份愛心化作溫暖與真摯的力量。本次發放禮物及物資的用車,也是由喜鵲娛樂慷慨捐贈,才讓這份愛與溫暖得以順利傳遞。...

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