Sean 出生於台灣,於2012年移民至美國。他熱愛閱讀,自國小四年級起就是一位哈利波特迷。Sean目前積極參與各項公共事務,其中包含在Bellevue青年交響樂團擔任小提琴手及華盛頓州伊瑟闊市的青年顧問委員會一員。伊瑟闊青年顧問委員會由當地青年組成、運作,宗旨在推廣青年參與社區活動。在閒暇時間,Sean還是最愛閱讀,但近來烹飪也成為他生活中重要的一部分,因為媽媽煮的菜總是過於單調。

Sean Fan was born in Taiwan and moved to the US in 2012. He is an avid reader, and a Harry Potter fan since fourth grade. Currently, he participates in several different organizations, including his local youth orchestra, the Bellevue Youth Symphony, as a violinist; and the Issaquah Youth Advisory Board, a teen-led organization that seeks to spread teen activism in the community. In his free time, Sean still enjoys reading, but cooking has also become a big part of his life, since he always complains about the simplicity of his mother’s dishes.