江則穎 / Salt T.Y Chiang

2009年,成立Salt Art studio,從事藝文類的視覺創作。
目前是廣告創意人,Salt Art studio負責人,也是插畫教室的老師。

2013年畢業於英國皇家藝術學院(RCA)視覺傳達所(Visual Communication)。


2010年以”Missing”入圍 第十一屆墨西哥海報雙年展,同年”Molly’s moon”獲得 波隆那兒童插畫創作-亞洲天空 第三名;2011年以插畫作品“Drinking with my eyeball”入圍英國插畫協會AOI image36: new talent。曾在台灣舉辦It’s not a fairy tale個展,亦參與台灣設計博覽會等展出;在倫敦求學其間參與Re-solution,Interruption等展覽,並於巴賽隆納參與World Wild digital Artists Union-showcase等。今年(2014)最喜歡的作品是為台北藝術節的舞台劇 The 9 Fridas所繪製的海報。


2003 graduated from UK’s Royal College of Art majoring in Visual Communication.

Founded Salt Art Studio in 2009 with a start in visual arts. Currently works in ad creatives and is also a illustration instructor.

Salt is fascinated by wildlife conservation, organ donation, and dream analysis. In one of her early childhood memories, she picked up a pen and paper at the age of three so she could draw a painting to gift to another child, this destiny aligning with art leading to attendance of art school and design related work upon graduation. Salt had always known the path would be arduous but was determined to march forward. Being able to make a sustainable living and do what one loves is a blessing. Her relationship and passion for art has given her the ability to utilize it to express herself.

With it, there are no boundaries or communication restrictions; one can affect and reach people anywhere and everywhere.

www.salt-c-art.com / www.facebook.com/saltartstudio

Salt will be joining our Build a Home Project, read more here

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