王勛達 Ken Wang
1986年生, 台南人
2013畢業於英國De Montfort University, 主修視覺新聞與紀實攝影比起藝術創作, 他覺得真實的影像更能引起觀眾共鳴,於是開始不斷的尋找故事並紀錄下來
1986 Tainan, Taiwan
Graduate of United Kingdom’s De Montfort University, visual journalism and documentary photography; feels that images resonances amongst audience so has begun the process of capturing stories with his camera.
Likes the voices of children, playing with cats, traveling, pedestrians
His only vice is coffee.
Is currently a freelance photographer and hopes to shoot moments that brings warmth to the viewers of his work.
專頁 Website: KEN photography
Ken will be joining our Build a Home Project, read more here
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