

曾任台北市、新北市數所幼稚園、托兒所、親子館、美術教室的專任幼兒藝術教師。現為自由藝術教育工作者,主要服務為給2-10歲的小小藝術家們的藝術課程,包含藝術體驗、藝術活動、藝術實驗。本身創作多關注於自身的生命經驗、感受、感知裡,並透過生活的經驗中來檢視對照這些日常事物的細節,善於透過不同手法- 平面繪畫、錄像、雕塑裝置等多樣媒介予以紀錄、轉化,使這些習以為常的生活經驗透過不停的攪碎、重組產生變化。作品多帶細膩的詩意呈現。.

Kao Hsuan was born in Taipei, Taiwan in 1990. She graduated from the National Taiwan University of Arts in 2013. Ideas for her works are often derived from experiences, senses, and perceptions in life, and are ways to examining mundane details in everyday encounters. She often utilizes methods of painting, video, sculpture, and installation to document and transform snippets of her life, tearing tenuous moments down and reconstructing them into poetic, diligent forms. Kao’s works before 2013 are primarily two-dimensional: The lateral woman, Ideology, Untitled, and vaginal are all pieces reflecting her own bodily states. In 2014, Kao began a long-term project titled Dictionary date- A to Z. It is an ongoing project containing poems written for herself. Disguised in English alphabets and sketches that house fragments (scenes) of her consciousness, everyday experiences are made into a journal of inspiration to document the artist’s self. There is no longer a specific way of making anymore.

個人網頁 / https://drawingworkers.wixsite.com/kaohsuan/home
粉絲專頁 / https://www.facebook.com/Opppppp123/