Haena Kang
Haena Kang是一位來自美國紐約布魯克林的藝術家。
從小,她總是在畫畫、或是創作。當她成長之後,發現自己總是被顏色、形狀、材質所吸引。她從來沒有停下來過,也因為如此,她的天份與直覺讓她申請到了The Cooper Union School of Art這所學校,主修繪畫、副修攝影,畢業之後,也自我探索到她的創意與熱情更延伸發揮到設計與插畫上。Haena在攝影、設計、插畫上的交萃,使得她個人未來的藝術創作之路更加明朗,隨著不斷精進的過程,2010年Haena回歸了繪畫創作,最近更發表了第一次的個展”Glades”。
想看更多她的作品?請在Instagram上輸入hashtag #haenakang on Instagram. 或是到www.haenakang.com/work .
Haena Kang is an artist based in Brooklyn, New York.
As a child, she was always drawing or making things. As she grew older, she found herself gravitating towards colors, patterns and anything with texture. There was never a moment when she wasn’t creating something; that instinct guided her to a attend the Cooper Union School of Art where she majored in painting and drawing with a minor in photography. It wasn’t until post-college that she recognized her love for design and illustration and focused her creative energies in that direction.
Little did she realize that her background in photography, design, illustration and creative direction would heavily influence and inform her future art. As she evolved, so did her work and creative process. It wasn’t until Spring of 2010 that she came full-circle and began painting again. She recently had her first solo show displaying her painting series called “Glades”.
To view her lastest artwork, type in the hashtag #haenakang on Instagram. To view all of her body of work visit, www.haenakang.com/work .
Haena will be joining our Build a Home Project, read more here
Haena 將參加睦祥育幼院的夏日改造特別企畫,請點此看更多訊息。
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