Green Monday 是一間社會企業,成立以來一直鼓勵大家每週一素,並為各方建議環保政策、推廣素食、改善生活質素,令生活更健康、環保、低碳,不論個人、學校、餐廳、企業、政府均可參與,一起Go Green,一起減碳,為地球出一分力。


Green Monday is a multi-faceted social venture group and social enterprise that aims to tackle climate change, global food insecurity, public health and animal welfare issues. Founded on April 22, 2012 in Hong Kong, GM has targeted to champion a sustainable food system by advocating a once-a-week plant-based meal philosophy. The first product launched by Right Treat is the pork alternative Omnipork, which was described by media as “game changer for Asia and the world”.